Omnibus Law on Health Bill: Reviewing with Health Law Practitioners, IDI Professional Institutions, AIPKI, PERSI and Muhammadiyah

Review of the Health Bill (RUU). Omnibus Law become a hot topic for discussion in the world of health. The social media timeline is also colored by various opinions or points of view, especially health law experts. Health professional organizations such as the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI), academics such as the Association of Indonesian Medical Education Institutions (AIPKI), hospital practitioners such as the All Indonesian Hospital Association (PERSI) and Islamic community organizations (mass organizations) such as Muhammadiyah.

The study of the Omnibus Law Health Bill was also carried out by the FK UII BIOHUKI Study Center through a Public Panel Discussion on Wednesday, 22 February 2023. This activity was attended by panelists from health law experts, IDI representatives, AIPKI, PERSI, and Muhammadiyah representatives. The event which was moderated by Dr. dr. Sunarto M.Kes, FK UII lecturer. This time the public panel presents experts as well as health law practitioners, namely Dr. Muhammad Luthfie Hakim, SH., MH, representative from AIPKI, Dr. dr. Wisnu Barlianto, Sp.A(K), M.Sc.Med who currently serves as General Secretary of AIPKI, representatives from IDI namely dr. Mahesa Paranadipa Maykel, MH (Deputy General Chair II of the IDI Executive Board (PB)) as well as the general Chair of the MHKI for the 2018-2021 period, and the views of PERSI represented by dr. R. Koesmedi Priharto, Sp.OT, FICS, FAPOA, M.Kes (Deputy Chair of PERSI). The event which was held online was also attended by representatives from Muhammadiyah organizations as well as senior lecturers at the UII Faculty of Law: Dr. HM Busyro Muqoddas, SH, M. Hum. (Chairman of PP Muhammadiyah, Law and Human Rights and Institute for Wisdom and Public Policy) This Public Panel Discussion lasted for 4 hours from 08.30-12.30 WIB and was attended by around 485 participants from various backgrounds, ranging from health practitioners, advocates, students and academics from various regions. The discussion was getting warmer and more constructive due to the high enthusiasm of the participants both in the form of discussion and persuasion.

This event was officially opened by UII Deputy Chancellor for Religious Student Affairs and Alumni, Dr. Drs. Rohidin, SH, M.Ag as a series of the 80th anniversary of UII with jargon substantive, inclusive and contributive. The event began with the recitation of verses from the Koran An-Nahl verses 41-43 by Tsaqif Fattan (FK UII student who memorized 30 chapters of the Koran). The Panel Discussion takes the theme "Joint Study of the Omnibus Law Health Bill”.

In his remarks, Dr. Drs. Rohidin, SH. The MAg said that the discussion on the Health Bill (RUU) should not be discussed Omnibus Law done quickly or seem rushed. This is important to avoid technical errors or defects and as a comprehensive effort starting from the education system, health services to the financing system. In addition, the Dean of FK UII, Dr. dr. Isnatin Miladiyah, M.Kes hopes that this public panel discussion will become a space for scientific and comprehensive review and a form of constructive contribution from FK UII in overseeing the development of an equitable Indonesian health.

There were at least three conclusions and input from panelists, responders, the FK UII BIOHHUKI study center and public panel discussion participants. First, spirit Omnilaw bus must reflect the spirit of the opening of the 1945 Constitution which respects the freedom of every human being and frees oneself from all forms of colonialism, especially dependence on foreign interests which tend to be neo-imperialism, especially in the world of health. Foreign doctors and foreign investment in the health sector in a business context must uphold religious norms and human dignity as well as national interests. Second, Health Act changes through Omnibus Law should not seem to eliminate the role of the state to provide five percent of the APBN budget for health, which means the state is running away from responsibility for the health rights of its citizens. Third, from discussions it was found that the bill seemed rushed, still contained many shortcomings, and it was recommended that its discussion be postponed at the 2023 Prolegnas until it was truly ready and fulfilled the principles of openness, honesty and humanity and justice. Gotong royong is also an important principle in protecting the interests of various parties due to the fact that health development, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, the government cannot handle its impacts alone, especially health services.

In conclusion, through public panel discussion activities on the Omnibus Law Health Bill, it is hoped that this will become a useful space for reviewing, criticizing and reconsidering the draft health bill and providing discourse and input to stakeholders as a way or "tariqa" towards the highest degree of public health in Indonesia. Wallahu a'lam.