Being a true Muslimah always reflects the beauty of the heart

Wibowo's photo: Dean of FK UII, dr. Linda Rosita, M.Kes., Sp.PK (center) taking a photo with Asma Nadia and the committee at the Muslimah Seminar at the 2nd Floor Central Library Auditorium Universitas Islam Indonesia, Saturday, 3 January 2015 / 12 Robi'ul Awal 1436 H.


Kaliurang (UII News) Being a true Muslim is not easy. A true Muslimah is like a gem, formed under intense pressure until it finally becomes a very beautiful stone. Being a true Muslim woman is indeed full of obstacles and tests, but when all is passed, God willing, the glory will be obtained not only in this world but also in the hereafter.

This was conveyed by the Dean of FK UII, dr. Hj. Linda Rosita, M.Kes., Sp.PK while giving a speech at the Region 4 Seminar on Muslimah Region 2015 Ukhuwah Forum for the Da'wah Institute for the Faculty of Medicine (FULDFK) DIAMOND (Beautiful World, Stunning Hereafter, Moeslimah Intan Dunia) 2, in the XNUMXnd Floor Central Library Auditorium Universitas Islam Indonesia, Saturday, 3 January 2015 / 12 Robi'ul Awal 1436 H, which was attended by delegates from the FULDFK region of Central Java, DIY and parts of Kalimantan.

According to doctor Linda, Muslim women or better known as Muslimah currently there are a lot of them, but not all Muslim women are true Muslimah. Because, a true Muslim woman is not a woman who is just beautiful, highly educated and confesses Islam but a woman who truly believes in Allah.

"Because, a believing Muslim woman will always obey what Allah SWT commands and stay away from what He has forbidden. Because of this, a true Muslim woman will always reflect the beauty of the heart," she said.

Meanwhile, as the Program Sie Coordinator, Mahdea Kasyiva'2012 while in the Dean room of the UII FK confirmed that this event was attended by 200 participants from FULDFK in Central Java, DIY and parts of Kalimantan, namely Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin; Mulawarman University; Sultan Agung Islamic University; Semarang Muhammadiyah University; Diponegoro University; Soedirman University; Muhammadiyah Surakarta university; Eleven March State University; Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah University; Gadjah Mada University; Universitas Islam Indonesia; and Duta Wacana Christian University.

“To carry out this mandate, Center for Medical Islamic Activities or often called CMIA FK UII is one of the Da'wah Institutions of the UII Faculty of Medicine, in collaboration with KODISIA (Korps Dakwah Universitas Islam Indonesia) which is a campus proselytizing institution under the auspices of the DPPAI (Islamic Religion Education and Development Council) which is an education council in charge of dealing with the guidance and development of the Islamic religion in UII," he said.

Furthermore, Dea explained that the purpose of this activity was to provide inspiration to become a real Muslim woman, to bring positive changes in the lives of Muslim women, to produce Muslim women who are spiritually, socially and intellectually intelligent.

The committee also presented one of the national speakers, and a well-known book author, Asma Nadia, to motivate participants to become Muslim women who can divide their time well in their lives, such as spirituality, career, family, goals, and social life. Wibowo