Facing the development of AI technology, new doctors must strengthen their human side

Kaliurang (17/01)- Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) held the inauguration and oath of the 62nd period of doctors at the Prof. Auditorium. KH. Abdul Kahar Mudzakir on Wednesday (17/01) offline.

According to the Head of the Medical Professional Study Program, FK UII, dr. Ana Fauziyati, M.Sc, Sp.PD, the number of doctors appointed and sworn in in the 62nd period was 116 people consisting of 36 men and 80 women, so the number of doctors graduating from FK UII to date is 2.356 people.

Distribution data according to the region of origin of new doctors in the 62nd period, namely Central Java Province 43 people, Yogyakarta Special Region 20 people, West Java 19 people, East Java 7 people, Banten 5 people, DKI Jakarta, East Kalimantan, Riau Islands, and West Nusa Tenggara 3 people each, Lampung and Papua, 2 people each, meanwhile 1 person each from Batam, Gorontalo, West Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, Riau and North Sumatra.

Dean of FK UII, Dr. Dr. Isnatin Miladiyah, M. Kes. congratulated the inauguration of 116 new doctors and advised that new doctors should always be ready to face increasingly difficult challenges ahead. “Today is a moment that parents and new doctors have been looking forward to. This is the beginning of the struggle, the challenges ahead will definitely be tougher. American Medical Association (AMA) at the end of 2023, noting that there are several challenges for future doctors, including problems Burn out towards doctors, patient distrust of doctors, the spread of medical misinformation, and collaboration between professions that increasingly require attention. "This requires the ability of new doctors to be responsive, adaptive, and have the courage to accept challenges," said Dr. Isnatin.

Furthermore, Dr. Isnatin said that in dealing with technological developments, especially Artificial Intelligence (AI) extraordinary, even in health services, for new doctors to strengthen the human side (humanity). “Does this mean that the role of doctors will be replaced by AI? Not that easy. Because there is one side humanism which may not yet be replaced by AI. Therefore, new doctors must strengthen that side, the human side, side humanity", which cannot ever be replaced by machines," said Dr. Isnatin.

On the same occasion, Chairman of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) DIY Region, Dr. Joko Murdiyanto, SpAn, MPH conveyed a message to new doctors to be grateful, close to Allah, and improve soft skills. "You are quite a rare person, according to data from the Director General of Higher Education, you are 0,2% of the entire population in Indonesia. The Father of Medicine, Hippocrates, once told us all that medical science is the noblest science, only people who are able to uphold and honor themselves will become doctors, so be grateful that you become a doctor. There are no successful people, there are only people who are successful by Allah, so be close to Allah plus soft skills adequate," ordered Dr. Joko Murdiyanto.

He further said that current developments are extraordinary, society is very easy to make demands, so it is necessary to improve soft skills adequate. What is, (1) Able to think logically and critically, (2) Must be a creative person, (3) Must be able to establish communication, build communication, especially with patients. Cases of medical disputes include those that start with poor communication between the doctor and the patient. (4) Able to manage time, able to manage stress, and should be able to establish good relationships with anyone.

Meanwhile, UII's Deputy Chancellor for Academic and Research, Prof. Dr. Jaka Nugraha, S.Si, M.Si in his speech expressed congratulations on the achievements of FK UII in passing the Student Competency Examination for the Medical Professional Program (UKMPPD).

“I congratulate the new doctors on their success in the educational process at FK UII. "According to the Head of the Medical Profession Study Program, the UKMPPD graduation rate for the last period was 98,7%, this is proof of success, showing evidence that the education process at UII, especially medical education, is going well," said Prof. Jaka Nugraha.

Prof. Jaka Nugraha advised new doctors to remain good people and become more competent, especially since the wave of liberalization has penetrated many fields, including the health sector. New doctors must improve their managerial and communication skills, continue to learn throughout their lives, because health is still a major problem, both non-communicable and communicable diseases, which are still widespread in society.

“Remember the saying that a great captain is made after riding big waves. Always improve the quality of service upgrade knowledge and maintaining the name of the family and UII, you are UII's humanitarian ambassador, to improve the quality of public health," said Prof. Jaka Nugraha ended his speech.

Group photo of the new doctor with Vice Chancellor I UII, Dean of FK UII, IDI DIY, DIY Health Office, and the academic community of FK UII

Meanwhile, Dr. Adinda Ditasari, in her speech on behalf of the new doctors, expressed her highest thanks and appreciation to teachers, teaching doctors in pre-clinic education, clinics and teaching hospitals, as well as patients.

“Today is a special day, and we have been waiting for it after a long struggle through medical education. Today is the manifestation of what we have been fighting for for 6 years or more. The doctor's degree that we achieved was not a short work, it was a long struggle from us as well as the services and prayers of the people around us. "So, allow us to express thousands of thanks and highest appreciation to the parties who played a big role in making our dream come true," said Dr. Adinda in her speech. (Jo)