FK UII student, 30st winner of Juz 1437 SINAR XNUMX H Memorization Competition


Wibowo/special photo: Mohammad Rahman Suhendri, FK UII 2014 student was declared the first winner in memorizing juz 30, which was held at FE UII, Sunday, May 29 2016.

        Kaliurang (UII News) – SINAR 1437 H is an event organized by the Da'wah Institute of the Faculty of Economics Universitas Islam Indonesia as an event to welcome Ramadan, this event consists of tabligh akbar and various competitions such as writing Ramadan short stories, tahfidzul qur'an, and qiraah.

        This was conveyed by Mohamad Rahman Suhendri, a class 2014 student at the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia, while participating in the event on Sunday, 22 Syaban 1437 H / 29 May 2016 at the Faculty of Economics (FE) Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) which was attended by students from all over DIY.