2014 FK UII Students Hold Bistazam


Kaliurang (UII News-19/9) -Bistazam is a recitation activity which is a program initiated by the bisyarah division of medical faculty students universitas islam indonesia class of 2014. This program was formed against the background of the lack of Al-Qur'an education received by students, especially medical faculties. The output of this activity is the formation of medical faculty students universitas islam indonesia, especially the class of 2014 who love the Qur'an, so when they are in society they are used to it and are no longer awkward when they are entrusted with being the imam of prayers or other religious activities.

This was conveyed by Muhammad Rahman Suhendri, when explaining the activities organized by class of 2014 students of the Faculty of Medicine, Islamic University of Indonesia on Saturday, 19 September 2015 / 06 Dzulhijah 1436 H at Ulil Albab Mosque, Integrated Campus Universitas Islam Indonesia, Jl. Kaliurang Km. 14,5 Sleman Yogyakarta.

According to Rhaman, the bistazam recital activities are in the form of mentoring the tahsin of the Qur'an which is held on Wednesday and adjusts the schedule of campus academic activities. Each mentoring group consists of 4-6 people and one mentor from the 2014 class itself.

"This activity has been started since the beginning of the second semester and on this occasion the bisyarah held a recitation of upgrading the spirit of reciting the Koran with the title "Grab the World and the Hereafter With the Holy Qur'an" as the opening for the third semester period. This activity was held on Saturday September 19 2015 at the Ulil Albab mosque Universitas Islam Indonesia at 08.00-finished with Ust. Adi Abdillah,” he said.

 In addition, this activity was also attended by dr. Syaefudin Ali Akhmad, M.Sc as Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia with the hope that this activity can become a proof on the Day of Judgment later, because the Prophet SAW said “Read the Qur'an because it will become Syafa'at in the final yaumil and hopefully through this activity Allah SWT classifies us to be the best human beings, because again Rasulullah SAW said "The best among you (humans) is the one who learns the Qur'an and teaches it", said Rahman. Wibowo/Tri