HEALTHY EIDWAR with dr. R. Edi Fitriyanto, M. Nutrition


dr. R. Edi Fitriyanto, M. Nutrition

(Permanent Lecturer of FK UII / Head of KKN UII)

Lebaran or Eid al-Fitr is a victory day that is celebrated by Muslims after successfully carrying out fasting for a month. On that day, most Indonesian people have a tradition of visiting each other among relatives, colleagues and neighbors. The homecoming phenomenon is an annual routine agenda every Eid. All events welcoming Eid are not complete without a variety of special dishes with delicious taste, sometimes the holiday is even identified with ketupat and opor. Without realizing it, this lifestyle has the risk of causing health problems, especially the digestive system. Possible causes of this problem are sudden changes in food consumption patterns, overeating, food consumption in terms of total calories and types of nutrients is very excessive.

Excessive food consumption is very contradictory to the condition of the body during fasting. When fasting there is no intake of food and drink from sunrise to sunset. To adapt to these conditions, several changes occur in the physiology of the body, including anatomically and functionally the digestive system experiences a "rest" state. Hormonally, there is an increase in the production of the hormone glucagon to dismantle energy reserves, and a decrease in the hormone insulin because an energy source is needed other than blood glucose metabolism. This situation occurs when food intake decreases. Therefore, consuming excessive food in a short time after fasting is not in accordance with the body's metabolic conditions at that time, and the digestive system is not ready to accept heavy loads.

Consuming food in excessive amounts will cause several health problems, among others, heart burns or a burning sensation due to the flow of stomach contents including stomach acid into the esophagus (oesophagus) caused by the volume of food exceeding the capacity of the stomach. Filling the stomach above its capacity also causes an enlargement of the size of the stomach which causes symptoms of pain in the stomach and surrounding organs. overeating also causes the liver, pancreas and small intestine to work harder due to the heavy burden of digestion and metabolism. The heart rate will also increase to meet the excessive metabolic demands, causing a state of restlessness.

For this reason, it is better for us to wisely prevent food consumption to prevent unexpected events. As Allah says: …. and do not throw yourselves into destruction, and do good, for indeed Allah loves those who do good (Surah Al-Baqarah: 195). Practically this can be applied in tips on maintaining a healthy diet during Eid:

  1. Eat according to needs, try to stick to the meal schedule (breakfast, lunch, dinner), at other times avoid eating, stop eating before you are full.
  2. Eat a balanced menu, carbohydrates 50-65%, fat 25-30%, and protein 10-15%, adequate sources of vitamins and minerals.
  3. The need for water is approximately 40 ml/kgBB.
  4. Reduce consumption of high-sugar, high-salt, high-fat and overly stimulating foods (eg spicy).
  5. Trying to observe the Shawwal fast to maintain a good diet during Ramdan.

God willing, celebrating Eid with the closest people is a special happiness, so don't let yourself spoil it by not being careful about maintaining your health.

Wallahua'lam bishshowab. (Wibowo)