FK UII Healthy Village Launching 2011

Foster Village is a community development program with a target location of a village that meets the criteria to become a fostered village. To realize this program, the Department of Community Service Student Executive Organization of the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia held a fostered village program with the name “Healthy Village FK UII” located in Gondangpusung hamlet, Wukirsari, Sleman. By choosing a village where almost a third of it had been destroyed because of the Merapi disaster, it is hoped that the students who are members of the management of the FK UII Healthy Village Assistance Team will be able to rebuild and develop the potential that exists in the village. In particular, we have to change the paradigm that community service is not a means of always giving, but rather trying to empower natural resources and the potential of citizens so that an independent community will be created with its own potential.

With the slogan "My Village is Healthy, My Village is Independent and Prosperous," it is hoped that it will be able to instill and realize many things that can be done in building a village that has the potential to be in line with Catur Darma UII, especially in the areas of community service and Da'wah Islamiyah. The launching and opening ceremony of "Healthy Village FK UII" was held on December 26, 2011 at the Gondangpusung Mosque from 09.00 WIB to 21.30 WIB. There are a series of activities carried out in full a day starting from the Launch which was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia represented by dr.Sunarto, M.Kes, Student Representative Council by Izzah Baridah and Chair of the Student Executive Institute by Ridho Ardi Widyanto as well as the Head of Gondangpusung Hamlet who at the same time inaugurated Gondangpusung as FK UII's Foster Village for the next one year.
The next series of activities were free medical treatment for all Gondangpusung residents in collaboration with doctors who graduated from FK UII and TBMM FK UII (Student Medical Assistance Team) and the inauguration of the "Cardios" reading garden and competitions for children until the afternoon. After that the event continued with TPA Development which aims to foster and revive the TPA in the mosque for children with CMIA FK UII as the person in charge, here the younger siblings in Gondangpusung are guided to learn the Koran, write Arabic which, God willing, will held regularly. Then it entered the top event, namely Tausiyah which was attended by all Gondangpusung residents who were filled in by Ustadz Roy and ended with closing and praying until 21.30 WIB.
With a series of launching activities "Healthy Village FK UII" it is hoped that this will be a good first step to create various programs that can develop the many potentials that exist in the village. Moreover, the warm welcome and appreciation from Gondangpusung residents also really fired up the enthusiasm of the Management of the Healthy Village Assistance Team of FK UII to work on carrying out various programs in order to realize the goals and targets of the assisted villages. The team chaired by Aji Wiyasa will have programs for the next year including the assisted family approach, village cleaning, community development, community employment and cadre training, social services, counseling and health services as well as posyandu, training of little doctors, sports tournaments, disaster response training, a photo exhibition which, God willing, will be held routinely every month in collaboration with the entire FK UII academic community. Hopefully this assisted village program will not only last for one year, but can continue into the following years and one day it can become a pilot for forming a fostered village. Amen. (izza)