Health is the Crown for Human Life


By: Hana Isnaini Al Husna

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, health means two things, namely health (things) and good health (bodies and so on). Health is a noun, while its nature is healthy. Health is a healthy state, both physically, mentally, spiritually and socially which allows everyone to live productively socially and economically (President of the Republic of Indonesia, 2009). According to the definition above it seems clear that a person can be said to be healthy which includes physical (bodily) as well as spiritual (spiritual) and also social aspects. The function of the organs of the human body is a form of physical (bodily) health. Meanwhile, the spiritual condition, which is also commonly referred to as mental, is a harmonious condition between the functions of the soul that is capable of dealing with problems and expressing positively one's happiness and abilities (Soleh, 2001). Meanwhile, social health is life in society in such a way that every member of society is able to maintain and promote their own life and that of their families in a society that allows them to be able to do activities, rest and enjoy entertainment (Soleh, 2001). Health can be realized if humans can harmonize all the functions of the body and soul so that physical, spiritual and social health is achieved.

Humans in achieving happiness in the world or the hereafter one of them is with health. Prophet Muhammad SAW as in the hadith narrated by Ibn Majah, places health as the best blessing after the favors of faith. People who have abundant wealth become unhappy if their body is sick. Physical health can cover feelings of lack of material possessions or abundance, while spiritual health will bring feelings of calm, security and peace whose fruit is happiness (Baraas, 2000). So that health is a crown for every human being. A king who is deprived of his crown is like losing authority, power, dignity and dignity which eventually destroys his throne. If health is a crown, then we as Muslims are commanded by Allah to always guard the crown. Because the crown is a means to be able to worship properly in the world to reach life in the afterlife. To prevent the arrival of a disease that will damage the crown of a Muslim's life, it has been ordered by the Prophet Muhammad in the hadith:

God bless you سقمك، وفراغك قبل شغلك، وغناك قبل فقرك، وحيات قبل موتك

From Amru bin Maimun bin Mahran, in fact the Prophet Muhammad SAW said to a young man and advised him, "Take care of five things before five things. (1) Your youth before your old age comes, (2) your health before your sickness comes, (3) your free time before your busy time comes, (4) your wealth before your poverty, (5) your life before your death.

According to Sayyid al-Arabi the above hadith is Sahih and narrated by Imam Suyuti in Sahih al-Jami'. The hadith above has two lines of transmission. The hadith from Ibn Abbas was narrated marfu, and the hadith of Ibn Maimun was narrated mursally, (Maghfiro, 2018).

The meaning of the Hadith mentioned above is very deep, where the Prophet advised to maintain health before the onset of illness. If this concept can be applied in our lives as Muslims, then our physical, spiritual and social health values ​​will remain sustainable so that happiness is realized in this world and the hereafter.


Baraas, F. (2000). A Doctor's Diary. Mizan.

Maghfiro, N. (2018, December). Hadith About Take Care of Five Cases before five Cases., downloaded 11 September 2021

RI President. (2009). Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 36 of 2009 concerning Health. State Secretariat.

Saleh, Moh. (2001). Tahajud Practical Benefit From a Medical Science Viewpoint. Student Library.

Name: Hana Isnaini Al Husna

NIK: 031002410

Unit : HR Faculty of Medicine, UII