[:en]Introducing Ruqyah Sar'iyyah FK UII to hold an Islamic Spiritual Medicine Workshop[:]


Yogyakarta (1/12) – Cases of interference by jinn in Indonesia are like icebergs, which actually are still very many but only a few are seen. Often a case that confuses health workers. Jin is no different from other living things, it's just that he is magical. As with bacteria, viruses, fungi and others that are invisible to the naked eye. This case of jinn interference can only be resolved in one way, namely in a way that is prescribed by Allah SWT, the Creator of all existing creatures, with Ruqyah Syar'iyyah.

Ruqyah Sar'iyyah as Islamic Spiritual Medicine

As held by the UII Faculty of Medicine, seminars and workshops with the theme Islamic Spiritual Medicine: The Age of the Prophet and the Age of Now introduces a way of spiritual healing which is of course prescribed by religion. The seminar took place in the 2nd Floor Meeting Room of the Faculty of Medicine, UII, with three speakers, Dr. Sagiran, M.Kes, Sp.B (K) examines the Spiritual Side of patients according to Islam and Spiritual Services in Hospitals. The next speaker is from Perdana University Malaysia, Dr. Teguh Haryo Sasongko, PhD, who studies Biomarkers and Genomic Spirituality. Furthermore, the material was filled in by Prof. Syafaataun Almirzanah, PhD who studies Spiritualist Comparative Studies from various Cultures and Religions.

The workshop was filled by Miftahun Ni'mah Suseno, S.Psi., MA, Psychologist from the Center for Neuroscience, Health and Spirituality (C-NET) UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta with material on the Indonesian Spiritual Health Assessment Spiritual Assessment. Then it was continued by Ust Nurcholis, S.Pd.I from the Thibbunnabawi Team at Nur Hidayah Hospital with material on the Monotheism Spirituality Workshop or Monotheism Therapy. (Three)[:]