[:en]Managing Waste, Before Disease Outbreaks[:en]The Easiest Way to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle[:]

Yogyakarta, FK UII – Apart from industrial factories and hospitals, laboratories are also a place that generates waste. After carrying out practicum in the laboratory, waste becomes one of the problems that must be overcome in the laboratory. After carrying out practicums, students and lecturers often encounter various wastes, ranging from waste that is soluble in water to waste containing hazardous and toxic materials (B3). Proper waste management, of course, can minimize laboratory staff contracting diseases due to the waste produced. As an effort to treat waste in the laboratory, this time Faculty of Medicine UII held a waste treatment workshop in the laboratory for lecturers. This activity was held on Wednesday, 14 Muharram 1439 H / 04 October 2017 at the 1st Floor Auditorium of FK UII at 12.15-16.00 WIB.

In this event, FK UII collaborated with the Dr. Sardjito. It began with an introduction to the types of laboratory waste and the flow of laboratory waste treatment delivered by Agung Sapto Budi Nugroho, ST. Waste management is divided into several main discussions, starting from liquid and solid waste, to B3 and non-B3 waste. Not only that, participants also received independent waste processing methods up to third parties with Nur Farichah, SKM

The aim of waste handling is to reduce the risk of exposure of waste to disease-causing germs that may be present in the waste, by neutralizing the content of hazardous and toxic substances. Through various methods that have been conveyed by experts from the WWTP Dr. RSUP. Sardjito, it is hoped that in the future the waste treatment can be carried out properly, so that it does not pollute the environment of FK UII.
Yogyakarta, Faculty of medicine UII – In addition to factories and hospitals, laboratories have also become one of the places that produce waste. After carrying out practical in the laboratory, the waste becomes a problem that must be addressed in a laboratory. After carrying out practical, students and professors are not infrequently encountered various waste, ranging from waste that can dissolve in water to waste containing hazardous and toxic materials. Sewage treatment is good, of course it can minimize the labor contracted diseases caused by the waste that is generated. So that's why the Faculty of Medicine UII held a workshop on waste treatment in the laboratory for their lecturers. This activity was held on Wednesday, Muharram 14th, 1439 H / October 04th, 2017 in the Auditorium of the Faculty of Medicine UII at 12.00 am – 4.00 pm

In this event, Faculty of Medicine UII collaborated with Waste Water Treatment Installations (IPAL) General Hospital Center (was) Dr Sardjito. Beginning with the introduction of this type of Waste And sewage treatment Flow Laboratory the laboratory submitted by Agung Budi Sapto Nugroho, ST waste management is divided into some discussions of subject matter, ranging from liquid waste and solid waste, up to B3 and non-B3 . Not only that, the participants also obtained independent ways of waste treatment to third parties together with Nur Farichah, SKM

Handling of waste aims to reduce the risk of exposure to waste against germs that cause diseases that might be in the waste, by means of neutralizing the content of hazardous and toxic substances. Through a variety of methods that have been passed on by the experts of the IPAL was Dr Sardjito, it is hoped that future waste treatment can be done properly, so it does not pollute the environment of FK UII.Farah[:]