Medicine Holds Ulil Albab UII Curriculum Workshop

        Medicine (16/8) – In order to observe UII Ulil Albab Curriculum Update, the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia holding a workshop on the Ulil Albab Curriculum Universitas Islam Indonesia.

               This was conveyed by dr. Diani Puspa Wijaya, M.Med.Ed as Team Leader when giving an explanation about the change in the Ulil Albab curriculum in Universitas Islam Indonesia  on Tuesday, 14 Dzulqoidah 1437 H / 16 August 2016 in the Main Meeting Room Lt. 2 Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia Jalan Kaliurang Km.14,5 Sleman Yogyakarta which was attended by lecturers.

 According to Doctor Diani, this activity was motivated by the rationale for updating the UII curriculum, the introductory material of which was UII as a university with the principle of rahmatan lil alamm which continues to strive to realize and promote high Islamic moral values ​​in all ongoing educational processes, and of course the Faculty of Medicine. UII which is included in it certainly takes part in examining the curriculum.

 The things that were observed in this activity were about updating the UII curriculum, evaluating the current UII curriculum and student development patterns. Universitas Islam Indonesia. Wibowo/Tri