[:en]Medicine Organized “Update on Neuroscience Research” with Visiting Lecturer dr. IRAWAN SATRIOTOMO, Ph.D[:]




Caption : After giving a Neurology Lecture at FK UII, doctor Irawan Satriotomo, Ph.D. received a certificate as a guest lecturer which was handed over by doctor Putrya Hawa, M.Bioned

Kaliurang (UII News) – In order to deepen medical knowledge in the field of neuroscience or neuroscience for lecturers and tutors in UII's FK environment, Faculty of Medicine UII held a guest lecture by presenting experts in their fields, namely doctor Irawan Satriotomo, Ph.D.

This was conveyed by the organizing committee doctor Ninda Devita, during the activities on Wednesday, 13 Sya'ban 1438 H / 10 May 2017 at the auditorium on the 1st floor Faculty of Medicine, UII Integrated Campus, Jl. Kaliurang Km.14,5 Sleman Yogyakarta which was attended by all doctors as lecturers and tutors with the theme of "How to Write Manuscripts for International Journals: Tips and Trick".

According to doctor Ninda, why present Dr. Irawan Satriotomo, Ph.D, because he is one of the Indonesian scientists working in the world of Neuroscience who currently teaches at the University of Florida. He has a lot of experience in academia, including being a reviewer in several international journals.

"Therefore, in order for this event to be useful, we as the organizers invited participants not only lecturers at UII Faculty of Medicine but also journal supervisors within the UII Faculty of Medicine. On this occasion Doctor Irawan not only conveyed his experience in writing journals, but also provided tips for participants on how to write good publications," said doctor Ninda.

It was added that when the event took place, the participants were very enthusiastic about this event and the discussion lasted until the end of the event moderated by Dr. Dimas Satya Hendarta.

In line with doctor Ninda, as Chair of the Committee dr. Sufi Desrini, said that this activity aims to increase the ability of lecturers to write a research that will be published in international journals because for now international journals have become one of the benchmarks in the world of academia.

On the same occasion, Dr. Irawan also gave a lecture on Creating an Academic Environment entitled "Update on Neuroscience Research". This lecture was attended by lecturers and students of FK UII on the same day at 13-00.15.00.

Doctor Ninda further explained that the committee also presented Dr. Ety Sari Handayani, M.Sc, a lecturer at the UII Faculty of Medicine who was interested in the field of Neuroanatomy, as a speaker, guided by Dr. Razmaeda, M.Sc, with the material provided in the form of some of the latest developments in world of neuroscience such as several studies on intermittent hypoxaemia.

"Participants were very enthusiastic and asked many questions during the discussion session at this event," said Ninda. Wibowo
