Medicine is Committed to Producing Competent Doctors


Photo of Wibowo: UII Chancellor, Dean of FK UII taking a group photo with Hospital Directors, FK Education Partner clinical education lecturers



Medicine (UII News) – Medical education in Indonesia is held with the aim of supporting the health system by producing competent medical graduates. With the implementation of various regulations with rules and regulations related to health in Indonesia, medical institutions should pay attention to these changes to support the implementation of education that is in synergy with the implemented health system and produce competent doctors who can provide comprehensive services to the community.

        This was conveyed by the Dean of FK UII, dr. Linda Rosita, M.Kes, Sp.PK giving her speech at the Clinical Education Evaluation Workshop, Medical Education Study Program, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia which was held on Saturday-Sunday, December 5-6 2015 / 22-23 Shafar 1437 H at The Alana Yogyakarta Hotel, Jalan Palagan Student Soldiers, Sleman, Yogyakarta.


According to doctor Linda, the curriculum for medical education has developed in accordance with developments in medical science and technology and is oriented towards community needs. Several developments and policy regulations governing medical education in Indonesia require medical education institutions to always keep abreast of existing developments to maintain quality. The application of quality standards for graduates of medical education with a national competency test and the preparation of doctors as primary care doctors is a reference for graduates of an institution to produce doctors. This quality improvement requires medical education institutions to evaluate the learning process and evaluate the resulting output.

"In the implementation of medical education at the clinical education stage, the UII Faculty of Medicine collaborates with several hospitals in carrying out the learning process. The existence of a teaching hospital cannot be separated, and even greatly influences the quality of medical education, because it is there that an intensive process of learning medical science, clinical skills, research, mastery of medical technology takes place, and plays a major role in molding the character of a doctor. For this reason, common perceptions are needed in carrying out learning and assessment methods, "explained doctor Linda.


The Clinical Pathology Specialist doctor added that based on the evaluation there were several problems, both technical and academic, that arose in the implementation of the 2011 CBC in educational hospitals. The problem encountered is the diversity or variations in the implementation of the learning process at the clinical stage in different hospitals, which causes the resulting output to also vary. Another problem is that there is no agreement among clinical supervisors in implementing the 2011 CBC, they do not agree on competency achievement monitoring tools and some technical constraints. This can affect the quality assurance of graduates produced.


“Because of these problems, FK UII deems it very necessary to hold a workshop on the clinical education stage of FK UII by inviting representatives from all teaching hospitals of FK UII. It is hoped that in this workshop there will be discussion and interaction between clinical supervisors from various hospitals, so that an understanding will emerge regarding an effective learning process and a more objective assessment, so as to guarantee the competence of young doctors at UII FK according to the Indonesian Doctors Competency Standards (SKDI). Besides that, it is hoped that enthusiasm and motivation will emerge, to carry out the supervisory duties better, as one of the professional mandates for the education of the next generation of Indonesian doctors, "said Dr. Linda's remarks as the Dean of FK UII.


Meanwhile, Rector Universitas Islam Indonesia, Dr. Ir. Harsoyo, M.Sc responded to this activity organized by the UII Faculty of Medicine, and supports the learning process in UII Medicine which is committed to producing competent doctors.

"Indonesia really needs a lot of doctors, but not only many, but competent in their field, and this is reflected in the attitude of the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia which creates an existing Islamic character, so that it becomes a differentiator from the Faculty of Medicine in Indonesia, said his speech at the event. Wibowo/Tri