[:en]JKN Has Noble Goals[:]


Caption : National Seminar on "JKN As Public Health Service" in commemoration of the 76th Anniversary Universitas Islam Indonesia, which was held on Wednesday, 06 Rajab 1440 H/13 March 2019, at the KH. Abdul Kahar Muzakir, Ulil Albab Mosque Complex, Integrated Campus, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Jalan Kaliurang Km.14,5 Sleman Yogyakarta. (Photo : Wibowo)

Kaliurang (UII News) – The National Health Insurance (JKN) has actually had a noble goal since it was launched in 2011, namely to provide health protection and guarantees for all citizens. It is hoped that this noble goal can be achieved without injuring all parties involved in the system. Various problems that arise in the health sector vary widely, be it problems with users, health facilities, or policy makers. It is hoped that various policies to overcome them will be able to bring the principle of justice to all parties.

This was conveyed by doctor Sunarto, M.Kes, as Chair of the Committee for the National Seminar "JKN As Solemn Public Health" in commemoration of the 76th Anniversary Universitas Islam Indonesia, which was held on Wednesday, 06 Rajab 1440 H/13 March 2019, at the KH. Abdul Kahar Muzakir, Ulil Albab Mosque Complex, Integrated Campus, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Jalan Kaliurang Km.14,5 Sleman Yogyakarta.

According to doctor Sunarto, developments in public health status as well as health and medical services which continue to increase seem to be a challenge so that the quality of health services does not decrease in this BPJS era. The JKN program will run well in the future if you pay attention to whether this program has been supported by all elements of society, especially Muslims with the largest population and health facilities owned by Islamic organizations such as PKU Muhammadiyah, Islamic hospitals, national zakat institutions, and several other institutions. other non-profit, even voluntary communities to bear each other.

Facts on the ground show that there is a BPJS deficit due to an imbalance between contributions and financing that must be paid which still isn't valid related to the community that must be assisted, the quality of services that have not been controlled, as well as disparities in health services in cities, villages and rural areas.

"So strategic and static efforts are needed to be able to contribute real thoughts and actions to the JKN policy so that in the future it will be better and meet the expectations of the whole community," said doctor Sunarto, M.Kes

Further explained the purpose of organizing this seminar is to make a real contribution from Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) for the improvement of the JKN-BPJSK system, as well as providing intellectual contributions to programs to improve the public health system, by presenting Prof. Dr. dr. Fachmi Idris, M.Kes., Prof.dr. Ali Ghufron Mukti, M.Sc., Ph.D., Dr. Zairin Harahap, SH., M.Si., Herry Zudianto, SE., Akt., MM. Wibowo

Caption : Dr. Widodo Wirawan, MPH, Managing Director of UII Hospital, asked the speakers at the National Seminar "JKN As Solemn Public Health" in commemoration of the 76th Anniversary Universitas Islam Indonesia, which was held on Wednesday, 06 Rajab 1440 H/13 March 2019, at the KH. Abdul Kahar Muzakir, Ulil Albab Mosque Complex, Integrated Campus, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Jalan Kaliurang Km.14,5 Sleman Yogyakarta. (Photo : Wibowo)
