Every human being must have experienced pain, whether mild or severe pain. When you have a body ache, you will feel uncomfortable and even have to endure the pain. Sometimes those who experience pain can carry out activities and continue to work as usual. However, there are certain conditions, unable to move, must rest completely to undergo intensive treatment.

When you get the gift of being sick you don't always have to regret it, because sometimes being sick often brings some wisdom. Allah created sickness so that we can feel the pleasure of being healthy, eat freely and be able to do activities and worship properly. God willing, sickness can purify sins, cover mistakes, and elevate degrees.

This is in accordance with the Hadith of the History of Bukhori and Muslim:

Amen َاتِهِ كَمَا تَحُطُّ

"It is not a Muslim affected by a disease and the like, but Allah will abort with him his sins like a tree that sheds its leaves." (HR.Bukhari no 5660 and Muslim no 2571).

Health and illness are God's gifts, no force can stop them. When we receive the gift of illness, we must not remain silent without trying to recover, but we are required to try our best. The outcome is still God's provision.

Efforts to recover from illness must be accompanied by enthusiasm, patience and confidence to be healthy again. This will make it easier to undergo treatment, both medically and alternatively, not forgetting to be accompanied by worship according to the conditions and praying to Allah. This effort is highly recommended in Islam to help healing.

In addition to undergoing treatment, Rasulullah SAW taught reading prayers for sick people so that Allah would give healing. Here are some prayers for healing that are recommended:

1. Surah Al Fatihah.

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"In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds. Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Who rules the Day of Judgment. You alone do you worship, and only You do we ask for help. Show me the straight path. (i.e.) The way of those whom You have bestowed favors upon them; not (the way) of those who are angry and not (also the way) of those who go astray."

2. Healing prayer from illness.

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" My God, the God of men, remove disease, give healing because you are a healer. Nothing can cure disease except You with healing that leaves no pain."

3. The prayer that the Prophet said for a speedy recovery (read 7 times)

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“I beseech the great Allah, the Lord of the majestic Throne to heal you”

4. Prayer asks healing and forgiveness

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"O (mention the name of the sick person), may Allah heal you, forgive your sins, and benefit you in terms of religion and your physique throughout your life"

5. Prayer of the Prophet When ruqyah on sick people

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“God man, wipe away this disease. In Your hands is healing. No one can lift it except you

6. Prayer for healing by name.

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“My Lord, heal (Sa'ad/name prayed). My Lord, heal (Sa'ad/prayed name). My Lord, heal (Sa'ad/prayed name).”

7. Prayers read when visiting sick people.

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"(Hopefully) it's okay (sick), may it be holy with the will of Allah."

8. Prophet Ayub's prayer for healing

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"O my Lord, verily I have been struck by a disease and You are the Most Merciful God among all the merciful." (QS Al Anbiyaa verse 83)

9. Prayer for healing.

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“In the name of Allah, in the name of Allah, in the name of Allah, I protect you thanks to the glory of Allah and His gift from the evil that I feel and that I am worried about. I ask Allah the Greatest, the Lord of the great Throne to heal you."

Sickness is God's provision, but we are given reason and a way by God to heal. As religiously devout Muslims, when we are sick we are obliged to endeavor to obtain healing by not forgetting to pray to Allah.

Pain that befalls a person is a sign of God's love for His servant, and if it is lived patiently, sincerely and enthusiastically to recover, God willing, He will be pleased.

"Whoever Allah wants good for him, then Allah will bring disaster on him." (Reported by Bukhari).

Ari Agusnivianti's wife – 037102403

Reference :

Prime Nanda. It's true that Allah's Creation of Sickness, But With Reason We Must Endeavor. https://www.merdeka.com/peristiwa/mui-virus-corona-ciptaan-tuhan-tapi-kita-wajib-ikhtiar-menghindar.html. March 19, 2020

Maulaa Mahbub Ridhoo. 5 Reasons the Messenger of Allah Remains Optimistic Despite Sickness. https://www.pikiran-rakyat.com/khazanah-islam/pr-01337153/5-alasan-rasulullah-tetap-optimis-meski-sakit-melanda. 5 February 2020

Rifa'i Ahmad. Pain for believers can abort sins, so the key is patience. Republika.co.id. June 17, 2019

