by: Muhammad Kharisma

The corona virus outbreak is a health problem to date. The main effort that can be done when there is an outbreak caused by a virus is through vaccination. This aims to awaken the body's immunity against the virus that causes the outbreak, so as to prevent its spread and reduce the risk of post-infection death 1, 2. Currently, there are five types of COVID vaccines being used for the people of Indonesia, namely the Sinovac, AstraZeneca, Sinopharm, Moderna, and Pfizer vaccines. These five vaccines are reported to be effective in preventing COVID-XNUMX with severe symptoms, hospitalization, and death from COVID 3-6.

Vaccination makes our body stronger in dealing with the threat of corona virus infection, because it can prepare specific immunity against the corona virus through T cells and B cells. 1,2 . This is in accordance with the advice of Rasulullah SAW., where a strong believer is better and more loved by Allah SWT, and vaccination is an earnest effort to get what is beneficial from circumcision, as the Hadith mentioned below:

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HR. The emergence of various variants of the corona virus such as variants delta raises cases breakthrough in people who have been vaccinated. It is reported that people who have been vaccinated with certain variants can still be infected with other variants of the corona virus. However, people who have been vaccinated will show milder symptoms compared to people who have not been vaccinated when infected with the corona virus. 7,8. This discovery is important to form the basis for setting policies related to the focus of vaccination for the Indonesian people. Vaccination is no longer aimed at achieving herd immunity (herd immunity), however, all people must be vaccinated to prevent that person from developing severe symptoms when infected with the corona virus 9.

Various countries have made efforts to produce COVID vaccines using various methods, for example, an inactivated virus vaccine (inactivated vaccine), attenuated viral vaccines (live-attenuated vaccine), recombinant protein vaccines, viral vector vaccines, DNA vaccines, and RNA vaccines, all of which are known to stimulate the formation of immunity against the corona virus (Figure 1) 10.11.

Figure 1. Status of various COVID vaccines in preclinical trials, phase I clinical trials, phase I/II clinical trials, phase III clinical trials, and licensing 11

In Indonesia, the development of a COVID vaccine is also underway, carried out by seven institutions that are members of a consortium (Figure 2). The nation's children's COVID vaccine is known as the Red-White vaccine, made using various methods as an effort to obtain a COVID vaccine with high effectiveness. This shows that Indonesia is also actively contributing in responding to the corona virus outbreak that entered Indonesia 12.

List of seven institutions developing the red and white vaccine

Figure 2. Seven Institutions developing the Red-White vaccine 12

Vaccines can only be effective when society is willing to accept them. However, various hoax popping up since the beginning of the COVID vaccine entered and used in Indonesia. Education to the public about the safety and effectiveness of vaccines must continue to be carried out to break down the negative doctrines of anti-vaccines. The government has also made several efforts to reduce the spread of various misinformation news about vaccines, such as stopping the spread of misinformation on various social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, and Tiktok. 13. Even so, the government's strategy of requiring travel or entering a shopping center to show a vaccine certificate is the best step to overcome various hoax available, so that people want to be vaccinated (Figure 3) 14

The latest rules for domestic and foreign travel, vaccine certificates are the main requirement

Figure 3. COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate 14


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