The Prophet Muhammad SAW is the prophet of Muslims and his sunnahs, both in the form of words and deeds, are used as examples for all Muslims. There is a well-known interesting hadith about a fly dipped in a drink. The hadith reads:

حَدَّثَنَا خَالِدُ بْنُ مَخْلَدٍ، حَدَّثَنَا سُلَيْمَانُ بْنُ بِلاَلٍ، قَالَ حَدَّثَنِي عُتْبَةُ Amen God bless you ْيَغْمِسْهُ، ثُمَّ لِيَنْزِعْهُ، فَإِنَّ فِي إِحْدَى جَنَاحَيْهِ دَاءً وَالأُخْرَى شِفَاءً ‏‏‏‏

From Abu Hurairah he said, Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam said:

"If a fly falls in someone's drink, let him drown and then throw it away, because one of its wings has a disease and the other wing has an antidote." (HR Bukhari No.3320 in the book Sahih Bukhari) 1,2

The hadith explains, if a fly falls into the drink, it is permissible to continue drinking it after drowning the entire fly and then throwing the fly away. Flies also do not pollute our drinks and one of the wings of a fly contains a medicine/antidote for the disease it carries.

In fact, we all know that flies or Domestic musca is a vector of disease. Flies carry diseases that are carried from waste, garbage, and other contaminants and spread them through droplets of vomit, feces, and organs.3 This is of course a lot of questions and a test of faith for Muslims, especially health practitioners and the general public, how to respond to hadiths which are recognized in Sanad as authentic or reliable hadiths from the Prophet Muhammad SAW but are slightly inconsistent with health facts that have been known and found.

Research on fly wings has been carried out several times. The author found two research journals on the microbiological study of fly wings. The first journal by Rehap Mohammed Atta (2014) found that the right wing of M. domestica has an antibiotic effect that inhibits the growth of bacteria and fungi, while the agar media with the left wing demonstrates the growth of fungi and bacteria. In line with this research, research by Ivena Claresta (2020) also found an antimicrobial effect on Escherichia coli on the right wing of the fly. From the journal it is also known, there are bacteria Bacillus circulans and Actinomyces on the bodies of flies whose secondary metabolic products have antimicrobial and antifungal effects. 4,5

These two studies have proven to us about the existence of a "medicinal" effect on fly wings as the hadith of the prophet. Further and detailed research is certainly needed, to add to the credibility of previous research. As Muslims, we are ordered to continue to think and examine our surroundings, including matters related to physical and spiritual health. And the more we discover many things in nature, the deeper our faith in Allah SWT will undoubtedly be. Wallahua'lam bisshowab


1. http://www.salamdakwah.com/hadist/25-hadits-about-flies

2. https://sunnah.com/bukhari:3320

3. Hastutiek, P and Fitri, LE. Potential Musca domesteca Linn. As a vector of several diseases. 2007. Brawijaya Medical Journal Vol. XXIII No. 3.

4. Atta, RM. Microbiological studies on fly wings (Musca domestica) where disease and treatment. 2014. World Journal Of Medical Sciences 11 (4): 486-489.

5. Claresta I., Sari DD, Nurohmi S., Fatima, and Dhamayanti AY. The right wing of fly (Musca domestica) as neutralization of drinks contaminated by microbes. 2020. J Nut Sci Vitaminol No. 66:283-285

Name: Ismi Nur Aini Latifah

NIM: 16711131