Game Outdor teaches BAL for Young Doctors of FK UII


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        Kaliurang (UII News-04/10) – As a young doctor, you have to be diligent, you can't be lazy, every time you provide information, you have to make it as clear as possible, so that playing outdoor games as an illustration of cooperation for trials when applying at the Teaching Hospital of FK UII is trained in activities provision of FK UII coordinator candidates for the October 2015 period.

        This was conveyed by dr. Vebry Novy Yendry when he became a facilitator in an outdor game event for young Muslim doctors at the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia who took part in the debriefing at the FK UII parking lot, Jl. Kaliurang Km.14,5 Sleman Yogyakarta, attended by 28 participants on Sunday, 04 October 2015 / 21 Dzulhijah 1436 H.

        According to doctor Vebry, a Muslim doctor who attends clinical education at a hospital must be ready at any time, intelligent in knowledge and skilled in the skills he has while in the hospital and able to build cooperation.

        "This outdor activity will provide a simulation of the activity, as practice while at the Teaching Hospital, so that you are always united in carrying out cooperation, and receive tasks that are correctly captured and completed appropriately," he said.

        Even that is not enough, as a young doctor in conveying information it also includes aspects of BAL. BAL is an abbreviation with the following meanings: B (Correct), A (Accurate), L (Complete), ", he added. Wibowo/Tri