Group photo of Hajj & Skin Health Seminar

Kaliurang (14/5) – Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia (FK UII) held a Hajj & Skin Health Seminar with the theme: "Skin Problems in Hajj and Umrah Pilgrims: Treatment and Prevention". Sardjito UII and online via zoom meeting. Hajj is one of worship that requires excellent physical endurance. However, many pilgrims face the risk of health problems, especially skin problems, due to cultural, climate and weather differences in Saudi Arabia which are different from Indonesia. This year, it is estimated that around 221.000 Indonesian pilgrims will join a total of 2,5 million pilgrims in Mecca, Arafah, Mina and their surroundings.

The hot weather that will be faced by pilgrims this year can cause various skin problems, such as exacerbation of pre-existing skin conditions and the emergence of new skin problems. Given the large number of pilgrims, the risk of health problems also increases. Therefore, it is important for doctors and health workers as the main health service providers in Indonesia to prepare themselves with knowledge and skills in providing education, prevention and treatment of skin problems to pilgrims.

Photo of Greeting from the Dean of FK UII Dr. dr. Isnatin Miladiyah, M.Kes.

Dean of FK UII Dr. dr. Isnatin Miladiyah, M.Kes, in his remarks said that the difference in climate and weather between Indonesia and the Holy Land is a challenge in itself that has an impact on health problems, especially skin problems. Hot weather in Saudi Arabia is a big problem for the skin health of pilgrims. In 2023 Hajj, the temperature is expected to reach 47-50 degrees Celsius. We can imagine the comparison with the experience of high temperatures in Jogja some time ago. he concluded

Dr. Isnatin added that comprehensive preparation is needed to face the challenges of hot weather in the Holy Land for health workers and pilgrims. Skin disease is one of the problems that may arise due to hot weather conditions, both in terms of worsening pre-existing diseases and the emergence of new skin problems. Therefore, doctors and health workers who attend this event need to have knowledge and skills that cover aspects of physical and psychological health. This preparation is important because health workers in the Holy Land not only provide medical services, but also provide education to pilgrims. In addition, pilgrims also need to make preparations from the start, such as getting halal products and understanding the importance of maintaining health during the pilgrimage. This seminar activity is one of the efforts to anticipate and provide provisions to all parties involved. 

Photo of Session 1 presenters

This seminar consists of two sessions. In the first session, there were three presenters who gave presentations. Dr. Indro Murwoko discussing the general health problems of Indonesian haj pilgrims, the material is presented online. Next, Dr. dr. H. Probosuseno, Sp.PD, K-Ger., FINASIM, SE, MM., explained about the application of medical ethics principles in the health services of pilgrims, while Dr. dr. Betty Ekawati S, Sp.KK., explained about skin disorders that are often experienced by Indonesian haj and umroh pilgrims. This first session aims to provide an understanding of medical ethics, general health conditions of pilgrims, as well as skin problems that may arise during the pilgrimage journey.

Photo of Session 2 presenters

The second session of the seminar also consisted of three speakers giving presentations. Dr. dr. Rosmelia, M.Kes., Sp.KK., explained the importance of skin care for pilgrims and Umrah pilgrims. Then, dr. Kusnindita Noria Rahmawati, Sp.DV, discussed selecting the ideal skin moisturizer for pilgrims. Lastly, Dr. apt. Lutfi Chabib, M.Sc., explained about the halal skin care products used by pilgrims and Umrah pilgrims. This second session aims to provide knowledge and practical guidance related to skin care, selecting halal products, and maintaining healthy skin for Hajj and Umrah pilgrims during their pilgrimage.

In this seminar, the presenters conveyed various important information related to health services for Hajj and Umrah pilgrims. The first session focused on the general health problems of Indonesian pilgrims, the application of medical ethical principles, and common skin disorders. Meanwhile, the second session discussed skin care, selecting the ideal moisturizer, and halal skin care products. The entire event provided insight and in-depth understanding of the importance of ethical health services, common health problems faced by pilgrims, and how to care for and maintain the health of their skin. The speakers provided practical guidance that was very useful for health workers in providing optimal service and in accordance with medical principles. With this seminar, it is hoped that the participants, including health workers and the pilgrims themselves, will be better prepared and skilled in dealing with health challenges that may occur during the Hajj and Umrah pilgrimages. It is hoped that the application of the knowledge and recommendations provided by the presenters will provide the best protection and care for pilgrims and Umrah pilgrims, maintain their health during the pilgrimage, and minimize health problems that may arise. (Ra)