The Faculty of Medicine (FK) UII Faculty of Medicine (RTM SPMF) Management Review Meeting was held online on September 15 2022 through the Zoom Meeting media. RTM SPMF FK UII was attended by the Dean, Deputy Dean, Head and Secretary of the Department, Chair and Secretary of the Study Program, Head of Department, Coordinator of Faculty Quality System Control (PSMF), Head of Division, Head of BPM UII, Lead Auditor and Auditor.

In his remarks, Dr. dr. Isnatin Miladiyah, M.Kes, as the Dean of FK UII, expressed his gratitude to all parties who have provided support for the implementation of the Internal Quality Audit (AMI) of the UII Faculty of Medicine which lasted for two days.
"In AMI, we can see how the planned activities are implemented in one academic year as well as evaluate their achievements, including any obstacles that arise. From the results of this AMI we can see what the results are like so that we can determine a follow-up plan according to the PPEPP concept, namely a continuous improvement process as the basis for making the 2023 RKAT," continued Isnatin.

Furthermore, the presentation of the results of AMI FK UII was delivered by dr. Rokhima Lusiantari, M.Sc, as PSMF Coordinator. Some of the achievements of AMI in the Undergraduate Study Program have exceeded the targets set such as UII permanent lecturers who are assigned as subject tutors with areas of expertise that are in accordance with the core competencies of the study program from target 12 achieved 62, the quality of new student input achieved 13,2 from target 5, and Meanwhile, the number of UII permanent lecturers who teach in study programs reached 62 of the target of 20.

Meanwhile, some of AMI's achievements have not reached the target set, such as the number of Permanent Lecturers of Study Programs (DTPS) with new doctoral degrees 24,29% of the 50% target, foreign students participating in non-degree programs 0%, academic positions of permanent lecturers both Lector, Head Lector and The Professor also has not reached the target.
