UII Faculty of Medicine Holds Work Meeting


Yogyakarta – FK UII (29/08) – The 2016 fiscal year is almost over, so FK UII held a working meeting for the preparation of the 2017 budget. FK UII's meeting was held Monday-Tuesday (29-30/08) at the UII Faculty of Medicine. Opened with the dean's remarks by dr. Linda Rosita, M.Kes., Sp.PK. by discussing the 2017 FK UII Development Program Plan with the theme Reaffirming Competitive Advantage: Playing a Role in Efforts to Strengthen Health Human Resources in the Indonesian Health System and Maintain Accreditation A.

"FK UII's challenge going forward is to improve the quality of graduates including student graduation in UKMPPD and play a role in producing doctors in primary care," said doctor Linda in her presentation. Besides that, the strengthening of human resources must also be increased with lecturer assignments 26 hours per week covering education, research, service and da'wah in accordance with Catur Dharma UII.

Present representing the Chancellor of UII, Dr. Abdul Jamil, SH., MH as Deputy Chancellor III UII in his remarks as well as opening the Working Meeting he said "We hope that this Working Meeting really produces an extraordinary mind for the development of FK UII in the future", he hoped. Sorting[:in]

Yogyakarta – FK UII (29/08) – The 2016 fiscal year is almost over, so FK UII held a working meeting for the preparation of the 2017 budget. FK UII's meeting was held Monday-Tuesday (29-30/08) at the UII Faculty of Medicine. Opened with the dean's remarks by dr. Linda Rosita, M.Kes., Sp.PK. by discussing the 2017 FK UII Development Program Plan with the theme Reaffirming Competitive Advantage: Playing a Role in Efforts to Strengthen Health Human Resources in the Indonesian Health System and Maintain Accreditation A.

"FK UII's challenge going forward is to improve the quality of graduates including student graduation in UKMPPD and play a role in producing doctors in primary care," said doctor Linda in her presentation. Besides that, the strengthening of human resources must also be increased with lecturer assignments 26 hours per week covering education, research, service and da'wah in accordance with Catur Dharma UII.

Present representing the Chancellor of UII, Dr. Abdul Jamil, SH., MH as Deputy Chancellor III UII in his remarks as well as opening the Working Meeting he said "We hope that this Working Meeting really produces an extraordinary mind for the development of FK UII in the future", he hoped. Sorting
