[:en]Faisal Ridho Sakti, FK UII Student Receives a Research Fellowship Grant in the Netherlands[:]




Caption : Faisal Ridho Sakti, while studying cardiac surgery at the event International Student Congress of (bio)Medical Sciences (ISCOMS) organized by the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) Netherlands. (Photo Wibowo/Special)

Kaliurang (UII News) - College student Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia (FK UII) continues to make achievements in the academic field. Faisal Ridho Sakti, a final semester student of FK UII, had the opportunity to present his research in a prestigious international student conference biomedical sciences. International Student Congress of (bio)Medical Sciences (ISCOMS) was organized by the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) Netherlands on 10 -14 Ramadhan 1438 H / 5-9 June 2017.

On this occasion, Faisal conveyed his research oral presentations in front of the audience and the jury with the research title "Extract Ethanol of Black Sugarcane Reduces Ischemic Areas in Rat's Brain”. This session was delivered to the Cardio-Cerebro cluster which was attended by other researchers with the same interest.

According to Faisal, ISCOMS has been running for 24 years and this year it was attended by 720 students biomedical sciences from all over the world. Students who attended this event did not only come from undergraduate students, but many are currently pursuing a master's program or currently undergoing a doctoral program. Of the 720 students who attended ISCOMS, 182 students became participant presenter who conveyed his research in oral sessions and posters. ISCOMS does not only provide a forum for scientific publications, but also provides opportunities for selected presenter participants to undertake research programs fully funded for 2 weeks after the conference at UMCG with various research projects. From 182 participant presenter, only 30 students were selected who have strong abilities and good research experience to develop their talents. Faisal was selected as one of the delegates from Indonesia for the cardiac surgery research program at UMCG.

Of the 30 students selected for the program Research Fellowships, 4 students of whom came from Indonesia. 1 student from University of Indonesia, 3 students from Brawijaya University Malang, 1 student from Andalas University, Padang. This proves Universitas Islam Indonesia no less competitive with State Universities participating in this prestigious event.

Meanwhile, UII Deputy Chancellor III, according to Faisal, also appreciated his achievements by saying the following, “I am proud of you, we need more students like you. Your struggle is so heavy but always accompanied by prayer. This event is a very extraordinary combination, where you find a point to achieve your dreams. Pass on the struggles you've experienced to other friends. Who knows, this opportunity will be the turning point for Mr. Faisal's success”, appreciated UII Warek III, Ir. Agus Taufiq, M.Sc to Faisal.

It was also added that during the two weeks of undergoing research, he made observations of various cardiac surgical techniques. At the end of the session, all participants are required to present their research results in front of supervisors and other researchers and write an abstract.

Faisal himself has conveyed the final results of his research regarding the latest heart surgery techniques using Video-Assisted Thoracotomy Surgery (VATS) for the implantation of a heart rhythm balance device. Faisal himself had to struggle to complete this short research amidst 19 hours of fasting in the Netherlands.

“Actually, this experience can only be obtained by resident cardiac surgery specialists in Indonesia whereas I have been given the opportunity to learn early. I am very happy that I can get the opportunity to see the greatness of God with a heart that is still beating from a split chest. This is what makes me more grateful for life because we often forget that our heart keeps beating without us ordering it even when we are asleep,” said Faisal after undergoing this program.

Faisal further shared his experience in the Netherlands that this program is highly recommended for students of Medicine, Biology and Pharmacy who wish to continue their studies at UMCG. From this program, Research Fellowship participants can maintain active communication with supervisors who guide them to continue the master's or doctoral program at UMCG.Wibowo[:]