Support Student Activities, FOSMA Coordinates




        Kaliurang (UII News-6/11) – Management of the Student Parent/Guardian Gathering Forum (FOSMA) Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia, Back to coordinating to support the activities of students and the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia.

        This was conveyed by the Head of FOSMA FK UII, dr. Mafilindati Nuraini, M.Kes chairing the November 2015 coordination meeting, which was held on Friday, 06 November 2015 / 24 Muharram 1436 H at the Main Meeting Room Lt. 2 Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia, Jl. Kaliurang Km. 14,5 Sleman Yogyakarta.

        The meeting resulted in a number of conclusions, including that Fosma would help every student activity that is scientific in nature abroad with reference to making presentations to make the name of the Faculty of Medicine proud. Universitas Islam Indonesia.

        "FOSMA made a number of conclusions at this meeting, including agreeing that there should be social funds for students who experience a disaster (boils/passes away), and social assistance for students who suddenly go bankrupt so they cannot pay their tuition fees, so there is talk of seriously with the other administrators," said the Head of FOSMA FK UII.

        In this meeting, FOSMA will also make visits to several hostels and hospitals where FK UII co-ordinators carry out clinical education programs. Wibowo/Tri