Anatomy Department


The Department of Anatomy of FK UII was first established in 2001 at the same time as the establishment of FK UII. The anatomy laboratory was first used in 2001 by the first generation by utilizing a new building near the basketball court and next to the mosque's takmir dormitory. At that time the Department of Anatomy by dr. Zainuri Sabta Nugraha, M.Sc.

Leadership in the Anatomy Department was continued by dr. Kuswati, M.Sc. Since 2013 the FK UII anatomy laboratory has moved to the UII FK integrated laboratory with new building facilities and new equipment along with the UII FK research laboratory and 8 other laboratories. New facilities include plastination preparations and anatomy table. In addition to practicum activities, the anatomy laboratory also functions as an anatomy museum. The Anatomy Museum receives visits from various circles, both from other medical faculties conducting comparative studies and elementary to high school students.

Organizational Structure 

Head of Department:

Dr. Kuswati, M.Sc

Teaching Staff:

  1. Dr. Zainuri Sabta Nugraha, M.Sc
  2. Dr. dr. Etty Sari Handayani, M.Kes
  3. Dr. Kuswati, M.Sc
  4. Dr. Aditya Hernowo, Ph.D

Laboratory assistant:

  1. Sugiyono
  2. Guntoro


FK UII's anatomy laboratory is a reference for other medical faculty institutions. There are several FKs that have had comparative studies with the Anatomy Laboratory of FK UII, including FKKMK UGM, FK UNS, FK Unimus, FKG University of Jember, FKG UGM

Quality Goals

  1. Learning quality standards (Education)
    Learning quality target indicators in the form of practicum passing of 100%
  2. Quality standard of service quality (Yield of service)
    Quality target indicators of service quality in the form of a satisfaction level of 85%
  3. Standard quality of facilities quality (Facilities)
    The quality target indicator of facility quality is a satisfaction level of 85%
  4. Governance quality standards
    This governance quality target indicator consists of the average performance score of lecturers and assistants of 3,5 on a scale of 4


human anatomy

Human Anatomy Museum

The Human Anatomy Museum is an anatomy museum owned by the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia or FK UII which has a collection of various original human anatomy that has been preserved in the Medical Faculty Anatomy Museum Universitas Islam Indonesia has been open to the public since 2013.