FK UII delegation attended the 10th International Medical Education Conference in Kuala Lumpur

FK UII delegation consisting of lecturers and students delivered a poster presentation at a prestigious world-class medical education scientific meeting which took place at the International Medical University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
FK UII delegation consisted of dr. Fuad Khadafianto, dr. Diani Puspa Wijaya and dr. Yeny Dyah Cahyaningrum, M.Med. The students consist of Irma Noor Budianti, Rhea Veda Nugraha, and Asyahidatul Muchlisah Fitriana. Meanwhile, the Dean of FK UII, dr. Linda Rosita, M.Kes, Sp.PK and Head of Study Program, dr. Erlina Marfianti, M.Sc, Sp.PD attended a medical education workshop at the conference. The Indonesian delegation consisted of FK UII and FK Atmajaya delegations, while many other countries also participated in the conference.
Many things were obtained from this conference relating to effective and innovative methods in the learning process of medical education.