Dean of FK UII: Our Commitment to Strengthening the Professionalism of Doctors

Delivery of workshop material by Dr. Tjahjo Winantyo, Sp.B, M.MKes (left) and dr. Ana Fauziyati, M.Sc, Sp.PD (right)

Sleman (18/12)- Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia (FK UII) on 16-17 December 2023, again held an offline Professional Education Evaluation Workshop at the Loman Park Hotel, Yogyakarta.

The workshop with the theme "Optimizing the Role of the DPK in Strengthening the Professional Character of Adaptive and Resilient Young Doctors" was attended by 168 Faculty Supervisor Lecturers (DPF) and Clinical Supervisor Lecturers (DPK) FK UII who came from the main teaching hospital of FK UII, RSUD dr . Soedono Madiun, and FK UII satellite hospitals namely: RSUD dr. Soedirman Kebumen, Wonosari Regional Hospital, dr. Soehadi Prijonegoro Sragen, RSJ Ghrasia Yogyakarta, RS BHayangkara Yogyakarta, RSUD dr. Soeroto Ngawi, RSJD dr. RM Soedjarwadi Klaten, RSIY PDHI Yogyakarta, RSUD dr. Soediran Mangun Sumarso Wonogiri, RS dr. Moewardi Surakarta, and UII Hospital.

Dean of FK UII, Dr. Dr. Isnatin Miladiyah, M.Kes, in his speech said that the DPK has a very strategic role in carrying out the process of strengthening the professional character of a doctor. "This workshop is a form of collaboration and our shared commitment, so that we can continually improve the quality of medical graduates and also how to improve and strengthen their professionalism as doctors who will be at the forefront of health services in the community," said Dr. Isnatin.

Dean of FK UII, Dr. dr. Isnatin Miladiyah, M.Kes (left) and UII Deputy Chancellor for Academic Development & Research, Prof. Dr. Jaka Nugraha, S.Si, M.Sc. (right) giving a speech

Dr. Isnatin added that doctor's professionalism is the main foundation in health services which not only includes medical and technical aspects, but also high character and ethics. The process of forming professional character is a very important part of ensuring that graduates, namely doctors, become responsible and highly dedicated health practitioners.

Meanwhile, UII's Deputy Chancellor for Academic Development & Research, Prof. Dr. Jaka Nugraha, S.Si, M.Sc. when giving a speech, he expressed his concern about the "brittle" resilience of the millennial generation. "The theme raised is two key words, namely adaptive and resilient. For the millennial generation, these two words are very important. To be adaptive, millennial children are quite familiar with the world of IT (Information Technology, ed), but what is currently worrying is related to resilience. "A few days ago we heard the news, students in exam season jumped from tall buildings, a few weeks ago there was also a lot of news, and at UII there was also a case related to the "fragility" of the current millennial generation," said Prof. Jaka Nugraha.

Regarding resilience, Prof. Jaka Nugraha said that this requires joint support from education managers, including clinical supervisors, so that the goal of producing strong doctor graduates, competent and adaptive young doctors can be achieved. "Before treating other people, you yourself must also be healthy, both physically and mentally," concluded Prof. Jaka Nugraha ended his speech.

The presentation of session 1 workshop material was delivered by Dr. Wika Hartanti, MIH, who presented material on the Formation of the Professional Character of Young Doctors, and continued with session 2 material on Evaluation of Learning for the Doctor's Profession for the period August 2022-August 2023 by Dr. Ana Fauziyati, M.Sc, Sp.PD and material about How To Be A Good Clinical Perceptor by Dr. Tjahjo Winantyo, Sp.B, M.MKes.

In session 3, the workshop continued with the presentation of material on the Introduction of SCT as an Assessment in Clinical Education by Dr. Yeny Dyah Cahyaningrum, M.Med.Ed. Meanwhile, in the last session, the presentation of session 4 material was delivered by Dr. Sylvia Detri Elvira Sp.KJ (K) about Adaptation and Resilience of Young Doctors in Clinical Education.

Photo with workshop participants. (Jo)