Dean of FK UII, Alumni of FK UII Doctors Must Have a Spirit of Devotion

Medicine (UII) – Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia (FK UII), dr. Linda Rosita, M.Kes, Sp.PK (K) inaugurated and took the oath of office for new doctors for the January 2022 period on Wednesday, 02 Jumadil Akhir / January 05 2022 in Prof.'s auditorium. KH. Abdul Kahar Mudzakir, Universitas Islam Indonesia, UII Integrated Campus, Jalan Kaliurang Km.14,5, Ngemplak, Sleman, DI Yogyakarta, which was attended by 79 new doctors, consisting of 26 men and 53 women, which was carried out in a hybrid manner (offline and online).

according to dr. Linda that the doctor's oath that was held this morning on January 5, 2022 was the 55th doctor's oath. At the doctor's oath this time, it is the first offline doctor's oath after nearly 2 years, carried out virtually. UII's Faculty of Medicine graduated 79 new doctors, consisting of 26 male doctors and 53 female doctors. During its establishment in 2001 the Faculty of Medicine, UII, has graduated 1973 doctors, while each year it can graduate 150-200 doctors which also influences the number of doctors produced from all FKs in Indonesia.

"During this pandemic, it is very appropriate that the vision of Rahmatan Lil A'lamin is another that must be understood, namely how doctors who graduated from the UII FK have a dedicated spirit to participate in programs to end this pandemic and become pioneers in upholding discipline in health protocols wherever they are. Omicron is still around us, vigilance is the key for us to stop this pandemic," said dr. Linda Rosita, M.Kes, Sp.PK (K) as Dean of FK UII. (Wibowo)