[:id] Together with BKKBN, FK Holds CTU Seminar – Pre Service[:]


Yogyakarta, FK UII – tackling the problem of very high population growth in Indonesia, Faculty of Medicine UII in collaboration with BKKBN held a CTU Seminar – Pre Service for prospective doctors and doctors who graduated from UII Faculty of Medicine on Monday (23/10) and Monday (31/10) in the 1st floor Auditorium of FK UII.
In this seminar, the participants get 3 main materials. Starting with the Rights and Empowerment Principles for Family Planning with dr. Point Kuntari, M.PH. He introduced various types of family planning and choosing the right family planning for patients as well as proper counseling for patients. This is because a doctor must really understand the choice of birth control that must be given, according to what the patient needs. Apart from that, he also conveyed various counseling techniques, so that participants could properly apply family planning counseling techniques in the future.
The reason is that until now, people still assume that using contraception can affect uterine health. Therefore, he took part in building the identity of the participants so that they could change people's minds, especially in rural areas who tend to think negatively when someone uses contraceptives.
Followed by dr. Yasmini Fitriyani, SpOG and dr. Aji Pramudito Wibowo, M.Kes, Sp.OG delivered material on Rights in the Provision of Contraceptive Information, Delivery, and Services. In this session, participants received an explanation regarding IUD and implant KB. This introduction includes indications, contraindications, how to install and remove KB.
In closing, this seminar also presented Ustadz Didik Purwodarsono to provide an explanation of family planning from an Islamic perspective. In Islam, this family planning program is still being debated, because there are some scholars who say that family planning is prohibited, but there are also verses in the Koran that support family planning programs. However, the view of Islamic law regarding family planning, in general, is acceptable to Islam, even family planning with the aim of creating a quality prosperous family and giving birth to strong offspring is very much in line with the goal of Islamic law, which is to realize the benefit of its people. In addition, family planning also has a number of benefits that can prevent harm from occurring. When viewed from the functions and benefits of family planning that can create benefits and prevent harm, there is no doubt about the permissibility of family planning in Islam.
Not only getting material in the seminar, the participants will also be invited to take part in practical training on inserting IUDs and implants at the Pandak I Bantul Health Center and the Sembada Family Clinic in Sleman. So that the material that has been delivered, is not only used for oneself, but can be shared with the wider community.Far/Yani/Tri[:]