Armed with Work Professionalism FK UII holds a TOT for New Lecturers


Faculty of Medicine, Yogyakarta (26/05) – As many as 14 new FK UII tutors attended the debriefing from the Medical Education Unit, for three days Tuesday-Thursday (24-26/5). In the debriefing which is packaged as a Training of Tutor held in the Pre-Clinic Department Meeting Room, new tutors receive materials from a number of campus officials and learning experts. In his remarks and materials, Dr. Linda Rosita, M.Kes., Sp.PK conveyed about Professionalism in Work. "The element of professionalism includes a great and genuine interest in creating quality work." said dr. Linda.

He also called on these new tutors to practice the Chess Dharma in Higher Education, such as education, research, and community service as well as Islamic da'wah. "Don't forget to keep looking for links to foreign scholarships, as well as multiply publications in the form of textbooks and research that are useful for society," he added.

The next event was delivered by the head of the Medical Education Unit, dr. Umatul Khoiriah, M.Med.Ed. regarding the common perception of the teaching system at the Faculty of Medicine. In the material tutors are given roleplay to become a tutor, team leader, and act as a student in a tutorial activity.

In addition, speakers from each division in the Medical Education Unit include dr. Yeny Dyah Cahyaningrum, M.Med.Ed, dr. Fuad Khadafiyanto, M.Med.Ed and Head of the Block Team, dr. Titis Nurmasitoh, M.Sc. (Tri/)

Clinical Current Update Symposium on Emergency medicine (CITO!)

Sunday, August 7 2016The Alana at Mataram City International Convention Center Jl. Student Soldiers Theater Km 7 Yogyakarta
Topics and The Speakers

“Airway Intervention and Management in Emergencies” – DR. med. dr. Untung Widodo, Sp.An., KIC

FK UII student, 30st winner of Juz 1437 SINAR XNUMX H Memorization Competition

Wibowo/special photo: Mohammad Rahman Suhendri, FK UII 2014 student was declared the first winner in memorizing juz 30, which was held at FE UII, Sunday, May 29 2016.

        Kaliurang (UII News) – SINAR 1437 H is an event organized by the Da'wah Institute of the Faculty of Economics Universitas Islam Indonesia as an event to welcome Ramadan, this event consists of tabligh akbar and various competitions such as writing Ramadan short stories, tahfidzul qur'an, and qiraah.

        This was conveyed by Mohamad Rahman Suhendri, a class 2014 student at the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia, while participating in the event on Sunday, 22 Syaban 1437 H / 29 May 2016 at the Faculty of Economics (FE) Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) which was attended by students from all over DIY.

UII Starts Building a Teaching Hospital in Bantul

As an effort to support the fulfillment of health service needs in Bantul Regency, Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) established a hospital which also functions as a clinical teaching hospital in Wijirejo Village, Pandak District, Bantul Regency. Construction officially began on Friday (27/5) symbolically carried out by the Deputy Regent of Bantul Regency, H. Abdul Halim Muslih who was accompanied by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the UII Waqf Board, Drs. Syafarudin Alwi., Chairman of the UII Waqf Foundation Dr. Ir. Lutfi Hasan, MS., and UII Chancellor Dr. Ir. Harsoyo, M.Sc.

Abdul Halim expressed his appreciation to UII for choosing to establish his Teaching Hospital in Bantul Regency. "On behalf of the Government of Bantul Regency, I would like to thank and appreciate UII's intention to build health facilities in Bantul Regency." Abdul Halim said.

He continued, Hospital Universitas Islam Indonesia will greatly assist the Government of Bantul Regency in meeting the needs of the Bantul people for health services. "We are proud and grateful because the construction of this hospital will further support the achievement of the Bantul Regency Government's vision and mission, namely to create a healthy, intelligent, prosperous Bantul district based on human and national values." Said Abdul Halim.

"If we look at the health infrastructure facilities in Bantul Regency, there are many deficiencies. The hospitals here are crowded due to the needs of the community with unequal capacity. All of them are unable to accommodate the needs of health services in Bantul Regency.” he added.

Chairman of the UII Waqf Board Foundation Dr. Ir. Lutfi Hasan, MS. Said that the construction of the UII Hospital had been planned very seriously for a long time. Almost all of the construction was handled by UII alumni, from planning to project execution, in collaboration with companies where UII alumni worked.

"This is the second hospital built by UII, the first is the Jogja International Hospital (JIH) which is located on the North Ringroad and has been going well, now is the time for us to build it again in Bantul Regency." he said.

He added that the hospital was built on an area of ​​25.600 square meters with a total of 260 rooms and equipped with various supporting facilities such as the emergency room, ICU, and inpatient units ranging from class 1 to class VVIP.

 In addition, as a form of symbols of Islam, the hospital is also designed with a modern appearance by displaying Islamic symbols displayed on floor ornaments, walls and so on with reference to Islamic architectural art.

Departmental Research Grants for FY 2016 Batch II

Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia held a Departmental Research Grant for FY 2016 Batch II. Research must involve at least 1 student and collaborate with other parties (Institutions / Departments within or outside FK UII). wow…

List of 2016 KKN UII Locations for Compilation of Community Service Grant Proposals KEMENRISTEK DIKTI

In the following, we inform the students participating in the 2016 KKN UII that a list of locations for the 2016 KKN UII for preparing community service grant proposals from KEMENRISTEK DIKTI can be downloaded at the following link. Thank You.



FK UII Holds International Conference on Cardiovascular Diseases

Heart disease (cardiovascular disease) is one of the non-communicable diseases that causes the most deaths worldwide. The disease consists of hypertension, stroke, ischemic heart disease, and heart failure. In Indonesia, pr…

Ukhuwah Islamiyah Study Program April 2016 FK UII with Ustadz Abdullah Sunono



Kaliurang (FK UII) – Brotherhood and Faith form two sides of a coin that cannot be separated. So as Muslims we have to have both because faith without ukhuwah then our faith will be flawed. UII.

Furthermore, Ustadz Sunono said that Islam had alluded to Ukhuwah. "We can see in the Qur'an surah Al Hujurat verse 10 which says that truly people who are ukhuwah are people who believe," he said.

Furthermore, the Ustadz, who is a member of the Indonesian Dai Association, said that fellow Muslims are brothers, so the relationship between individuals among fellow Muslims must be good. “Don't let our neighbors or friends who are both Muslims be hostile and hurt each other. If there is a difference of opinion, it must be accepted without destroying ukhuwah, if there is a friend of ours who needs help, then we will help," he said firmly.

During the recitation, Ustadz Sunono also invited the congregation to start eliminating bad traits towards fellow Muslims such as envy, envy, hostility, bringing down, etc. "We try to train ourselves to eliminate despicable traits. Eliminate envy, jealousy, or animosity towards our own brothers and sisters, including our friends at work," he said. (AK/Three)

UII Doctor Candidate Participates in Outdoor Game

        Kaliurang (UII News) – In order to remind the meaning of intimacy after holding a doctor's degree, building togetherness must be maintained, therefore the simulation of togetherness is very important, and one of them is by doing outdoor games.

        Doctor Kharisma, who is also an alumnus of FK UII, said this when he became a facilitator in the out dor game activity, which was held on Saturday, April 15 2016/24 Jumadil Akhir 1437 H in the yard of North Flats, Integrated Campus. Universitas Islam Indonesia, Jl. Kaliurang Km. 14,5 Sleman Yogyakarta.

        According to doctor Kharis, he also experienced this activity when he attended a debriefing organized by the FK UII Campus, "I feel happy, so for this opportunity, we give this activity to younger generations who will take the oath later.

        In establishing this togetherness, the simulation game is to awaken and remind the importance of collaboration among colleagues, including by cooperation balls, making jargon and getting to know each other by forming groups that do not know each other. Wibowo/Tri

Provision of Islam for Cadok FK UII

        Kaliurang (UII News) – In order to equip the Faculty of Medicine to complete medical education Universitas Islam Indonesia organizes Islamic training for prospective doctors of the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia XXXIII period.

        This was conveyed by the Chairperson of the XXXIII period of the Islamic Teaching Organizing Committee, dr. M.Kharisma during the two activities on Friday-Saturday, 14-15 April 2016 / 6-7 Rajab 1437 H in the auditorium on the 1st floor of the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia, Jalan Kaliurang Km.14,5 Sleman Yogyakarta which was attended by 18 prospective doctors.

        Doctor Kharis added that this activity is mandatory for prospective doctors who graduate from FK UII who will take the doctor's oath as additional knowledge in the form of soft skills to be understood when practicing later.

        According to doctor Kharis, in this activity the prospective doctors were given materials including becoming a super doctor, aqidah and morals of doctors who graduated from FK UII, excellent service in every Muslim doctor's practice, knowledge about practical worship and obligatory prayer services, and conducting a cult for each participant. . Wibowo/Tri