Medicine Holds Iftar Together

         Kaliurang (25/6) – Faculty of Medicine, UII, once again held an iftar for lecturers, staff and their families. In addition to establishing friendship, this joint iftar activity is a means of asking for prayer together in preparation for the accreditation of the UII Faculty of Medicine.


        This was conveyed by the Dean of FK UII, dr. Hj. Linda Rosita, M.Kes, Sp.PK when giving her remarks in front of lecturers, employees and their families at the joint iftar event which was held in the parking lot of the Faculty of Medicine UII, Jalan Kaliurang Km.14,5 Sleman Yogyakarta, on Saturday, 20 Ramadhan 1437 H / 25 June 2016.


        According to the Dean of FK UII, this activity is routine every year, it's just that this year FK UII is preparing itself to face its re-accreditation in the coming year, so prayer support from those present is very much requested.


        This year's joint iftar event at FK UII was also enlivened by the Khataman Al-Quran which was recited by students of the UII Faculty of Medicine, after which they were led in prayer and tausyiah before breaking the fast with Ustadz. Maulidi, SHI, MA, M.Ag.


        In his culture, Ustad Maulidi reminded him of the message from Imam Ghazali which consisted of 4 things, including the relationship between a servant and Allah SWT, like the relationship between a master and his servant, meaning that if a master is happy to be treated well by his servant, Allah SWT is pleased if he is treated well by his servant. , and vice versa.



        Then the second is to treat humans as we treat ourselves, if we like being respected then respect others, if we like being helped, then help others; third, if we study any knowledge, we should not just seek popularity, but more importantly, improve our souls, hearts and behavior. That is what is called useful knowledge (ilman nafian).


        "Finally, fourthly, you shouldn't have greed (because it is the source of all soul destruction), if you have one wife, you don't need to add more," said Ustad Maulidi, who quoted from the book Ayyuhal Walad by Imam Alghazali p.22-23.


        Apart from the iftar and khataman event, the event that afternoon was also enlivened by the Elmedika Faculty of Medicine nasyid (hadroh) group Universitas Islam Indonesia. Wibowo/Tri

Eid Mubarak

The success of UKMPPD begins with clinical education

Photo of Wibowo: FK UII Junior Doctor after the Young Doctor's Appointment took a group photo with UII Chancellor, Dr. Ir. Harsoyo, M.Sc, and FK UII leadership.

        Kaliurang (UII News) – To be successful in the Medical Education Program Student Competency Test (UKMPPD), it begins when you attend clinical education, by taking it seriously for two years in a focused and serious manner.

        The message was conveyed by the Dean of FK UII, dr. Linda Rosita, M.Kes, Sp.PK when delivering her remarks at the Young Doctor's Appointment event organized by the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia (FK UII) on Thursday, 04 Ramadhan 1437 H / 09 June 2016 at the KH. Abdul Kahar Muzakir UII, Jl. Kaliurang Km.14,5 Sleman Yogyakarta which was attended by 52 students consisting of 28 boys and 24 girls.

Wanting to Exchange Information, FK Yarsi Jakarta Visits FK UII

Wibowo's photo: The friendly and cheerful atmosphere of the Yarsi FK group taking a photo with the UII FK leadership and UII FK students, on Tuesday, June 21 2016 at the Audit Floor. 1 FK UII

         Kaliurang (UII News) – The number of private medical faculties in Indonesia that were originally accredited as A then their re-accreditation results dropped to B, one of which is the Faculty of Medicine, Yarsi University Jakarta, makes institutions have to improve and seek information and experience from other institutions, one of which is by visiting the Faculty. Medicine (FK) Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) in Yogyakarta.

        This was conveyed by dr. Citra Fitri Augustina, Sp.KJ as the group leader from FK Yarsi Jakarta, when conveying the purpose of her visit to the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia, on Tuesday, 16 Ramadhan 1437 H / 21 June 2016 at the auditorium of Lt. 1 UII Faculty of Medicine, Jalan Kaliurang Km.14,5, UII Integrated Campus, Sleman, Yogyakarta with 28 Yarsi FK students and 1 other accompanying lecturer, namely dr.Zwastika Probadi Mahardhika, M.MedEd.

DPM-LEM Medicine, Ready to Supervise the Establishment of RSP

Photo of Wibowo: A Celebration for the Laying of the First Stone of RSP FK UII

        Kaliurang (UII News) – We are students of the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia ready to oversee the establishment of a Teaching Hospital (RSP) Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) as our future practice location.

        This was conveyed by Harry Kurniawan as Chair of the Student Representative Council (DPM) of the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia (FK UII) giving a speech at the thanksgiving event for laying the first stone and the inauguration of the FK UII minihospital, on Friday, 27 Syaban 1437 H/ 03 June 2016 in the 1st floor auditorium of the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia (FK UII), Jalan Kaliurang Km. 14, 5, Sleman, Yogyakarta.

Medicine Organizes Spiritual Tourism at Dar Al Widah Islamic Boarding School, Sragen



        Kaliurang (UII News-25/6) – In order to equip themselves for the holy month, as well as add Islamic insight and learn the right morals and manners, a number of Faculty of Medicine employees Universitas Islam Indonesia consisting of administrative staff, laboratory assistants, parking staff and Saptam participated in the activities of the Ramadhan 1437 H Islamic boarding school.


        This was conveyed by the Deputy Dean of FK UII, dr. Syaefudin Ali Akmad, M.Sc who accompanied the activity at Al Widah Islamic Boarding School, Sragen on Saturday-Monday, 20-23 Ramadhan 1437 H / 25-27 June 2016.


        According to doctor Udin, while attending Islamic boarding schools, participants from FK UII received Islamic lessons, including reading the Koran, Bayan Fajr (Religious Interests and Religious Business), Ta'lim Fadhilah Amal, Ta'lim Fadhilah Sedekah, Mudzakoh various manners -Adab, Qiyamul Lail, and other deeds.


        "While participating in this activity the participants will receive Islamic boarding school material from 03.00 WIB in the morning until 21.30 WIB at night, in connection with the month of Ramadan, the sahur and iftar activities are prepared by the Al Widah Islamic Boarding School in Sragen," he said.


        Meanwhile, the participants said they were happy with the pesantrenization activities at the Dar Al Widah Islamic Boarding School, one of which was Mrs. Sri Ngadilah who received lessons from Mrs. Nyai Abdul Halim, (Caregiver of the Putri Islamic Boarding School).


        "In this pesantren, we get spiritual pleasure, including being taught various manners as a Muslim in a syar'i way, and the impression while at the boarding school for the banquet was very satisfying, so that for 3 days, we felt at home," he said. Wibowo/Tri

Grounding Al Quran in FK UII Environment

Photo of Wibowo: Dean of FK UII, Dr. Linda Rosita, M.Kes, Sp.PK giving directions and remarks at the Ramadhan 1437 Islamic Boarding School event.


        Kaliurang (UII News) – The glory of the Koran and how we can get closer to the Koran, then how can we interact with the Koran properly, there needs to be an activity that can be understood for all of us, one of which is the Ramadhan Islamic boarding school with the theme of the importance of studying and interacting with the Koran.

        This was conveyed by the Dean of FK UII, dr. Linda Rosita, M.Kes, Sp.PK when opening the 1437 H Ramadhan Islamic Boarding School event on Saturday, 13 Ramadhan 1437 H / 18 June 2016 at the Audit Floor 1 of the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia, Jl. Kaliurang Km.14,5 Sleman Yogyakarta, which was attended by lecturers and education staff within the UII Faculty of Medicine.

Quality Goals


Graduates work in the first six months at least 90%
On time study at least 90%
Lecturer performance scores in pedagogic, social and professional aspects with a good score of at least 90%
UII competency achievement...

TOI FK UII, The Need for Statics is Increasing

        Kaliurang (UII News) – Descriptive biostatistics is the collection of direct, indirect, can be in the form of summaries (Frequency distribution tables, Contingency Tables), or presentation in the form of histogram graphs, Box Plots, Bar Hart, Pie Charts, P_P Plots) or using numerical measurements (Mean, Variation, Standard Deviation).

        This was explained by Drs.H. Zulaela, Dipl.Med.Stat., M.Sc., Biostatistics from the Faculty of Medicine, Gadjah Mada University (FK UGM) in the Training Of Instructors (TOI) event on Thursday, 04 Ramadhan 1437 H / 09 June 2016 at the Computer Laboratory, Lt. .2 Faculty of Medicine UII, Jl.Kaliurang Km.14,5 Sleman, Yogyakarta which was attended by Instructors of Health Research Block 2.7 KBK 2011.

Center for Biohuki Studies held a Medicolegal Curriculum Development Workshop

The presence of the Center for Islamic Bioethics and Health Studies (BIOHUKI) at the UII Faculty of Medicine gives a new responsibility to create a new curriculum related to bioethics. Curriculum is an important thing in the academic scope of an i…