4th ARPaC Seminar, Workshop and Poster Presentation Medicine Lecturer

FK UII DLP Team 2016
(Dr. dr. Bondan Agus Suryanto, SE., MA: dr. Taufiq Nugroho, Sp.B, dr. P. Lutfi Ghazali, M.Kes, dr. Yaltafit Abror Jeem)

 Medicine (17/8) – Changes and developments in the world of medicine in Indonesia are rolling so fast including problems with the medical profession, the launch of a new study program namely primary care doctors who are equal specialists, the issue of doctor gratification, a challenge for doctors in facing the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2016. The role of doctors in primary care in achieving SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) becomes very important. Good health can be achieved by maximizing the health system and one of the main pillars of the health system is primary health care. Because health services at the primary level are effective and efficient in terms of financing.





This was conveyed by dr. Yaltafit Abror Jeem, Tutor of the Medical Education Study Program (PSPD) of the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia while participating in the ASEAN Region Primary Care Physicians Association Conference (ARPaC) organized by PDKI (Indonesian Family Doctors Association) at the Faculty of Medicine UNPAD on 23-25 ​​Syawal 1437 H/28-30 July 2016 together with other senior lecturers, Dr. Bondan Agus Suryanto, SE., MA: dr. Taufiq Nugroho, Sp.B, dr. P. Lutfi Ghazali, M. Kes.

According to doctor Jeem, explained that PDKI (Indonesian Family Doctors Association) and the Faculty of Medicine UNPAD in 2016 had the honor of being the host of a regional meeting of family doctors at the ASEAN level namely 4th ARPaC Conference 2016 and the 10th PDKI congress.  


“This annual meeting is themed “the role of primary care doctor in enhancing the health system to achieve the sustainable development goals” has been held as one of the contributions of PDKI and FK UNPAD in the development of Indonesian health, especially to increase the knowledge and skills of doctors in primary care," he said.


Doctor Jeem further said that on this occasion, several experts from ASEAN and the world were invited as resource persons including family doctor education experts from several countries, one of which was from around the world, namely Prof. Michael Kidd (President of WONCA / worldwide association of family doctors), Prof. Leopando, family medical education expert.

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dr. Yaltafit Abror Jeem with Prof. Michael Kidd (President of WONCA) talking


In the annual routine meeting which took place at Harris Ciumbuleuit Hotel & Convention Jl Ciumbuleuit no 50 – 58 Bandung from 28-30 July 2016, workshops related to improving skill family doctor in serving patients like manage care, comprehensive and holistic management of chronic diseases such as DM, hypertension and OA. Apart from that, one of the FK UII DLP teams also made a presentation case reports by dr.yaltafit abror jeem entitled “Role of Primary Care Management in Patient Empowerment: Reflections on Family Doctors Competence in Daily Practice“ in the form of a poster presentation.

Seminars and workshops 4th ARPaC which has been organized by PDKI and FK UNPAD also discusses the latest developments in primary care medical education, one of which is the opening of student registration for primary care medical study programs under the auspices of FK UNPAD itself. This further adds to our confidence from the FK UII DLP team in moving forward.

From the presentation of Prof. Leopando, a family doctor education expert from the Philippines, implied that there would be an agenda for equalizing the competence of family doctors within ASEAN. This is to support the exchange or mobilization of family doctors between countries in ASEAN. In relation to this explanation, as an educational institution, FK UII has a duty to maintain the quality of its graduate family doctors.

Improving the quality of education for family doctors must also be supported by other factors, one of which is always up to date towards the development of family doctors through research, participation in national and international family doctor forums, training from domestic and foreign institutions. One of the agendas after attending seminars and workshops 4th ARPaC is an ARPC seminar and workshop in Pattaya, November 2017. We look forward to participating in the forum. His participation was in the form of presenting the results of our latest research on family doctors, both through oral and poster presentations.

After participating in these seminars and workshops, the UII DLP Team hopes to be able to devote and develop the various topics and skills they have acquired so that they become input into the curriculum content of the FK UII DLP team in preparing the primary care doctor study program to be more mature and of high quality.Wibowo/Tri

FK UII Lecturers and Employees Participate in the 71st Independence Ceremony of the Republic of Indonesia

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         Medicine (17/8) – The Heritage Flag Raising Ceremony commemorating the 71st Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia was organized by Universitas Islam Indonesia which was attended by the entire academic community, one of which was from the Faculty of Medicine unit Universitas Islam Indonesia.

               This can be seen from all lecturers and staff Medical Education Study Program (PSPD) Faculty of Medicine, University Universitas Islam Indonesia while participating in the Sang Saka Merah Putih flag-raising ceremony and the seconds of the 71st Indonesian independence proclamation on Wednesday, 16 Dzulqoidah 1437 H / 17 August 2016 on the football field, UII Integrated Campus, Jalan Kaliurang Km.14,5 Sleman Yogyakarta.

 In the event, the Dean of FK UII, dr. Linda Rosita, M.Kes, Sp.PK as the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia, along with disen and staff of FK UII, not forgetting TBMM FK UII was also present, as a medical team for the flag ceremony.

 As for being an inspector at the 71st commemoration of the independence of the Republic of Indonesia in the environment Universitas Islam Indonesia is Dr. Abdul Jamil, SH, MH as Deputy Chancellor III Universitas Islam Indonesia. Wibowo/Tri

Medicine Holds Ulil Albab UII Curriculum Workshop

        Medicine (16/8) – In order to observe UII Ulil Albab Curriculum Update, the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia holding a workshop on the Ulil Albab Curriculum Universitas Islam Indonesia.

               This was conveyed by dr. Diani Puspa Wijaya, M.Med.Ed as Team Leader when giving an explanation about the change in the Ulil Albab curriculum in Universitas Islam Indonesia  on Tuesday, 14 Dzulqoidah 1437 H / 16 August 2016 in the Main Meeting Room Lt. 2 Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia Jalan Kaliurang Km.14,5 Sleman Yogyakarta which was attended by lecturers.

 According to Doctor Diani, this activity was motivated by the rationale for updating the UII curriculum, the introductory material of which was UII as a university with the principle of rahmatan lil alamm which continues to strive to realize and promote high Islamic moral values ​​in all ongoing educational processes, and of course the Faculty of Medicine. UII which is included in it certainly takes part in examining the curriculum.

 The things that were observed in this activity were about updating the UII curriculum, evaluating the current UII curriculum and student development patterns. Universitas Islam Indonesia. Wibowo/Tri

Medicine Holds Block 2.1 Seminar on Immunology






        Medicine (16/8) – Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia holding a Block Seminar and Workshop on Immunopathology 2.1 which was attended by supporting lecturers, block teams and Related Departments within the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia.


             The workshop was delivered by dr. Utami Mulyaningrum, M.Sc as Head of the Block Team  when giving an explanation about the scope of the Related Science Branch in the Immunology Block 2.1 on Tuesday, 14 Dzulqoidah 1437 H / 16 August 2016 in the Main Meeting Room Lt. 2 Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia Jalan Kaliurang Km. 14,5 Sleman Yogyakarta.


According to doctor Utami, Immunology block 2.1 will later be attended by Medical Faculty Medical Education Study Program (PSPD) students Universitas Islam Indonesia who sits in semester III. 



The scope or branch of knowledge that will be studied in the Immunology 2.1 block is Immunology, Histology, Microbiology, Pharmacology, Anatomical Pathology, Clinical Pathology, Internal Medicine and Evidence Based Medicine (EBM). Wibowo/Tri

Attend the August 2016 Period Regular Recitation

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Looking forward to the presence of Mr/Ms/Mr/i. in the Lecturer and Employee Study Program at the Faculty of Medicine, UII, which God willing, will be held on:

Day : Thursday, 25 August 2016
Hours: 13.00 WIB
Place: Auditorium 1st floor FK UII
              FK UII Campus, Jl. Kaliurang Km. 14,5, Sleman Yogyakarta
Speaker: Ustadz Satori Abdurrauf
Title/Theme: The Meaning of Eid al-Adha in Life

Thus this invitation, we thank you for your attention and presence.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Employee Plenary: Recreation Socialization 2016




       Medicine (16/8) – Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia organize recreational outreach which will be attended by lecturers and staff within the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia


             The socialization was delivered by dr. P. Luthfi Ghazali, M.Kes as Chair of the 2016 Recreation Committee  when giving an explanation about planning the 2016 recreational event for the big family of the Faculty of Medicine UII to all educational staff in the Employee Plenary event on Tuesday, 14 Dzulqoidah 1437 H / 16 August 2016 in the Auditorium Lt. 1 Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia Jalan Kaliurang Km. 14,5 Sleman Yogyakarta.


According to doctor Luthfi, this recreational activity will be carried out in early September 2016 with the initial goal being the first batch of Karimun Jawa, Bandung and Malang groups. 



"Hopefully this recreational activity can be a refreshment for us, vacationing with our family, so that FK UII students can plan their choice of recreation places according to the place and location they want.


For 2016, recreation organized by the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia has many purposes that are useful in facilitating lecturers and staff as desired, and the objectives include Lombok, Karimun Jawa, Bandung, Garut, and Malang. Wibowo/Tri

TBMM's Gait, Becoming the PESTA Medical Team

        Medicine (16/8) – Activities that involve many people, in the field, under the hot sun, make the Enchantment of Ta'aruf (PESTA) committee Universitas Islam Indonesia invited the Medical Faculty Student Medical Assistance Team (TBMM). Universitas Islam Indonesia as the healthcare team.


              This was conveyed by Hani, a member of the Student Medical Assistance Team (TBMM) for the Medical Education Study Program (PSPD) at the Faculty of Medicine, University Universitas Islam Indonesia while being a medical team in the PESTA event on Monday - Tuesday, 13 -14 Dzulqoidah 1437 H / 15-16 August 2016 in the parking lot of the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia Jalan Kaliurang Km. 14,5 Sleman Yogyakarta.


In the event, Student Medical Assistance Team (TBMM) Medical Education Study Program (PSPD) Faculty of Medicine, University Universitas Islam Indonesia in charge of providing First Aid to Health for participants who experience pain when participating in Peseona Ta'arauf (PESTA) activities organized by Universitas Islam Indonesia.. Wibowo/Tri

FK UII Students Participate in PIMNAS 2016






        Medicine (15/8) – Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia, dr. Linda Rosita, M.Kes, Sp.PK with dr. Sufi Desrini, M.Sc provided assistance to students of the Medical Faculty Medical Education Study Program (PSPD). Universitas Islam Indonesia (FK UII) while participating in the National Student Scientific Week (PIMNAS2 016).


        This was conveyed by dr. Sufi Desrini, M.Sc, after accompanying students at the PIMNAS event which was held in Bogor City last week, Monday - Thursday, 5-8 Dzulqoidah 1437 H / 8-11 August 2016.



According to the Sufi doctor, UII medical students were delegates from Universitas Islam Indonesia which is one of 145 universities that can enter PIMNAS 2016 this year.


"Although UII medical students haven't won gold yet  Universitas Islam Indonesia ranked 14th out of 145 universities included in PIMNAS," he said.



Added by the Sufi doctor, from Universitas Islam Indonesia consisting of 7 teams, Alhamdulillah UII won silver and bronze medals, he explained. Wibowo/Tri

Lecturer of Pharmacology Study Program of Medicine Presentation of Posters on Cancer in France



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Poster presentation at 50 years of IARC Global Cancer occurrence, causes and prevention conferences, organized by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), WHO. Lyon, France on June, 7-10 2016



        Medicine (12/8) – In order to learn about the existence of cancer globally, its incidence, causes and prevention, the Pharmacology lecturer attended the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) seminar


        This was conveyed by dr. Sufi Desrini, M.Sc, lecturer in Pharmaology Study Program, FK UII, attending the event and being a delegate at the Global Cancer Occurrence, Causes and Prevention Conference, organized by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), organized by WHO, Lyon, in France, on Tuesday-Friday, 2-5 Ramadhan 1437 H / 7-10 June 2016.



According to Sufi doctors, the congress participants came from all over the world, totaling 1010 people from various delegations, institutions and universities from all over the world.


As the delegator and participant, the Sufi doctor presented his poster entitled The Effect of Overcitin and Doxorubicin Combination In Inhibiting Resistance In MCF-7 Cell. Wibowo/Tri

Medicine Holds Introduction Block Workshop





        Medicine (12/8) – Seminars and workshops organized by the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam IndonesiaIn this workshop, what was discussed was Block Introduction 1.1 by providing an overview of the block which consisted of learning skills, the basics of studying in Medicine which consisted of doctor professionalism and the basics of human life.


        This was conveyed by dr. Ika Fidianingsih, M.Sc, as Head of the Introduction Block 1.1 Team of Medical Education Study Program (PSPD) Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia, while leading a workshop on Friday, 09 Dzulqoidah 1437 H/ 12 August 2016 in the Main Meeting Room Lt.2 FK UII, Jl. Kaliurang Km.14,5 Sleman Yogyakarta, which was attended by Block Team Members, Related Departments and related admins.


        According to doctor Ika, in the area of ​​competence 1 is noble professionalism so that the learning objectives are for PSPD FK UII students to be able to demonstrate monotheistic attitudes and behavior during the learning process in the Introduction 1.1 block.  


"Students can also link the introduction block material in the Islamic context (Aqidah, syaria'ah, morals)," he said.


In addition, later students also have to be able to memorize Suat An Naas, A; Falaq, Al Iklas, Al Lahab. Wibowo/Tri