Armed with Work Professionalism FK UII holds a TOT for New Lecturers


Faculty of Medicine, Yogyakarta (26/05) – As many as 14 new FK UII tutors attended the debriefing from the Medical Education Unit, for three days Tuesday-Thursday (24-26/5). In the debriefing which is packaged as a Training of Tutor held in the Pre-Clinic Department Meeting Room, new tutors receive materials from a number of campus officials and learning experts. In his remarks and materials, Dr. Linda Rosita, M.Kes., Sp.PK conveyed about Professionalism in Work. "The element of professionalism includes a great and genuine interest in creating quality work." said dr. Linda.

He also called on these new tutors to practice the Chess Dharma in Higher Education, such as education, research, and community service as well as Islamic da'wah. "Don't forget to keep looking for links to foreign scholarships, as well as multiply publications in the form of textbooks and research that are useful for society," he added.

The next event was delivered by the head of the Medical Education Unit, dr. Umatul Khoiriah, M.Med.Ed. regarding the common perception of the teaching system at the Faculty of Medicine. In the material tutors are given roleplay to become a tutor, team leader, and act as a student in a tutorial activity.

In addition, speakers from each division in the Medical Education Unit include dr. Yeny Dyah Cahyaningrum, M.Med.Ed, dr. Fuad Khadafiyanto, M.Med.Ed and Head of the Block Team, dr. Titis Nurmasitoh, M.Sc. (Tri/)