[:en]BBT Social Services and FK UII Nose Washing at SMAN 1 Kebumen[:]

[:en]Among the health that needs attention is the health of the ears, nose and throat. In which there are 3 of the five senses that humans have as modalities in learning. So far, the public and adolescents do not know how to maintain health in the field of ENT, and many habits that are often carried out actually result in damage to the ENT organs. Such as the habit of picking your ears with a cotton bud regularly and often, using a headset when listening to audio, the habit of blowing your nose (blowing your nose), forced coughing, unhealthy diet patterns, and so on.

Therefore it is felt that there is a need for education to the community through community service activities for FK UII lecturers. The ENT-KL Department of FK UII in collaboration with KSM ENT-KL RSUD Soedirman Kebumen as an Education Hospital partner, held a Social Service for Ear Cleaning (BBT) and Nose Washing for students and teachers of SMAN 1 Kebumen which was held on Wednesday, 26 February 2020.

This social service activity was filled with counseling by dr. Veby Novri Yendri, Sp.THT-KL who presented material on the introduction of ENT-KL organs and efforts to maintain health and prevent disease in the field of ENT-KL. Presented by dr. Veby that as a Muslim, ENT health is very concerned by the Shari'a through the obligation of thaharah, namely ablution at least 5 times a day. In ablution, among others, it is sunnah to wash the nose (istinsaq – istinsyar), rinse the mouth, and wipe the earlobes while rubbing the head. It was also explained how to clean earwax properly, prevent deafness, and prevent respiratory tract infections that are often experienced by the community.

In addition to counseling, activities continued with ENT examinations for all class XII students and nose washing exercises guided by dr. Sofyan Tsuri, Sp.ENT-KL and dr. Yayan Mitayani, Sp.ENT-KL. This activity was also assisted by students and young doctors of FK UII and PMR SMAN 1 Kebumen so that it became a learning process that provided valuable experience.

It is still a joint homework to provide education to all elements of society regarding health improvement and maintenance in the ENT-KL field. For this reason, the principal of SMAN 1 Kebumen hopes that this activity can be sustainable and widespread in the community.
