Entries by Nano

[:en]Attitude of a Muslim in Responding to the Covid-19 Outbreak[:]

[:en] The Attitude of a Muslim in Responding to the Covid-19 Outbreak Disease outbreaks, such as the Corona Virus Infection Disease-19 (Covid-19), have become part of human history, and have also occurred during the life of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. One of the plagues that the Prophet often mentioned was the disease of tha'un. It should be noted that the word tha'un has been used by the Arab […]

[:en]Istitho'ah, Optimizing Health From an Early Age Is a Reflection of the Sincerity of Hajj[:]

[:id]Istitho'ah, Optimizing Health from an Early Age Is a Reflection of the Sincerity of Hajj Author : dr. Muhammad Kharisma Every Muslim must have the desire to complete the fifth pillar of Islam, namely carrying out the pilgrimage in the holy land. But did you know that the condition for Hajj is being able to afford it, both in terms of wealth, soul (knowledge), and body (physical health). The heaviest pilgrimage also requires […]


[:id] KEEPING HEALTH IS WORSHIP Author: Dian Muhammad Gibran – 16711109 Islam is a comprehensive religion in managing its servants, one of which is Islam's attention to matters of the heart and intentions. Intention is the main key in a practice carried out by humans. An act will be of value in the sight of Allah if the deed is intended only for Allah. The practice […]

[:id]The Importance of Disease Mitigation as a Part of Islam that is Rahmatan lil Alamin[:]

[:en]The Importance of Disease Mitigation as a Part of Islam that is Rahmatan lil Alamin Author: Muhammad Luthfi Adnan – 16711133 Islam as a religion that is rahmatan lil alamin teaches to maintain faith and have good prejudice towards Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala when facing the coming of a good life test in disasters and epidemics. By maintaining good faith and prejudice [...]

[:en]Prohibition of Blowing Food or Drink[:]

[:id]Prohibition of Blowing on Food or Drink Author: Zulfania Rahmah (19711112) Blowing on food or drink is a habit that some people do. We often encounter someone eating food or drinking hot drinks and then blowing on it, like a mother who feeds her child by blowing on food before putting it in the child's mouth or someone who drinks hot tea and then blows on it before drinking it. […]

Thibbun Nabawi, Is It Really Without Risk?

Thibbun Nabawi, Is It Really Without Risk? Author: Mohamad Rahman Suhendri, S.Ked – 14711034 Recently, the trend of Thibbun Nabawi has become increasingly popular with the public, this is reflected in the frequent virality of several articles that talk about Thibbun Nabawi's treatment methods, whether in terms of diet, diet, and so on. Apart from many mistakes that are understood by society or even by […]


[:en]HEALTHY DIET ACCORDING TO ISLAMIC RECOMMENDATIONS Author: Felix Giovanni Hartono – 15711067 Many of us are overweight which is bad for our health and also hinders our daily activities. Being overweight sometimes makes people not appear confident, so how do you lose weight healthily? In principle, you will lose weight if […]

[:en]How to deal with fever?[:]

[:en]How to deal with fever? Author: Nikki Faj Rahmawati – 17711095 Normal body temperature according to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia (Depkes) is 36,5-37,5 ºC. Under normal circumstances, body temperature is regulated to be in this range by adjusting the balance between heat production and heat loss. In febrile conditions, there is an increase in normal body temperature due to an increase in the hypothalamic set point, which is a […]


[:en] FROM EATING DOWN TO THE HEART Eating: Not Just a Matter of Fulfilling Physical Needs Author: Irena Agustiningtyas (097110404) Do you still remember how the body manages the food we eat? Yes, food will go through a long journey, from being digested in the mouth to reaching the intestines. Food that is already in the form of small particles, is absorbed by intestinal cells into the blood circulation. […]

[:en]What is the Attitude of a Muslim in Facing the COVID-19 Outbreak?[:]

[:id] What is the Attitude of a Muslim in Facing the COVID-19 Outbreak? Author: dr. Fajar Alfa Saputra Suggestions for WFH or Work From Home, study from home, or worship from home as an effort to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 are widely known by the public. But it seems that this recommendation is still being ignored by some people, for that we have to recognize the characteristics, patterns of distribution, […]