Entries by Nano

Value of Block 2.3 FY 2021/2022

Dear UII Faculty of Medicine students. In the following, we convey the value of block 2.3 Hemodynamic Disorders for the 2021/2022 TA which can be downloaded at the following link.

MKWU Final Score for Odd Semester 2021/2022

Dear, students of the UII Faculty of Medicine for those taking general courses in the odd semester of 2021/2022. In the following, we convey information regarding the final MKWU score which can be downloaded at the following link. FINAL SCORE SHARIA entrepreneurship PUBLISH FINAL SCORE INDONESIAN LANGUAGE PUBLISH FINAL SCORE ISLAM RAHMATAN LIL'ALAMIN PUBLISH ISLAM FINAL SCORE ULIL ALBAB PUBLISH

Final Value of Block 1.3 for 2021/2022 Fiscal Year

Dear students of the UII Faculty of Medicine for those taking Block 1.3 KBK 2016 and Block 1.3 KBK 2021 courses. In the following, we convey information about the grades for Block 1.3 courses which can be downloaded at the following link. BLOCK FINAL VALUES 1.3 KBK 2016 BLOCK FINAL VALUES 1.3 KBK 2021

Maintain Physical and Spiritual Health

By : Marlina Anggraeni – 151002225 Health is the most valuable thing in this life. Health cannot be exchanged for anything including wealth and wealth. Health is divided into two, namely physical and spiritual health. Both are interrelated and must be balanced. So, how do you maintain physical and spiritual health? 1. Maintain physical health “The believer who […]

Human Trust on Earth

By: Dr. dr. Sunarto, M. Kes. – IKM FK UII Alhamdulillah, we offer our gratitude to the presence of Allah SWT for all the blessings of faith and Islam that have resulted in a state of happiness in this world and, God willing, until the hereafter. Greetings and shalawat we convey to the lord of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, his friends and people who are pious and become role models [...]

Talkshow Goodlife Insomnia on Behavioral Disorders

Insomnia in Behavioral Disorders dr. Fery Luvita Sari, M.Sc, Sp.N Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia, Bhayangkara Hospital Yogyakarta, Griya Mahardhika Hospital Yogyakarta Definition of insomnia: Insomnia is a condition of sleep disorder in which a person has difficulty getting to sleep/sleep onset insomnia or difficulty maintaining sleep/sleep maintenance insomnia, even though he has the opportunity to sleep, he is ready to sleep and has time to [… ]

Breastfeeding According to Islam Rodo'ah or Syariba?

  Breastfeeding is a natural process that must be experienced by a mother for 2 years after giving birth. Breastfeeding is a mother's obligation because breastfeeding is the right of every baby as explained in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia article 128 paragraph 1 of 2009 1. According to the KBBI breastfeeding is giving milk to drink (to […]