Entries by Nano


HEALTHY WITH WUDU' By Abel Sanggra Putrian (21711012) – Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia Class of 2021. Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Haven't we all realized that health is a very valuable thing for every human being? We often hear someone say that being healthy is expensive. People who are sick and trying to get back to health even have to […]

Ruqyah Method of Medicine Today?

Ruqyah Method of Medicine Today? By: Muhammad Zainudin A (177102501) The perception in the general public about ruqyah therapy is only therapy for magical/mystical disorders, possessed by jinns or things that are occult. Behind that, ruqyah seems to be an alternative medicine for physical ailments besides medical treatment. Not infrequently nowadays ruqyah therapy has begun to be opened in several places and […]


RELAX By: Syafira Laila Nurulita (18711008) In life, we often encounter things that may not be in accordance with what we want. Not infrequently, things like this invite our emotions. When our emotions are overflowing, the nerves that work in the body are dominated by the sympathetic nerves (generally: spurring the work of the organs, heart rate increases, […]

The Effect of Breastfeeding on the Formation of Islamic Character

The Effect of Breastfeeding on the Formation of Islamic Character By: Miranti Dewi Pramaningtyas (NIK: 097110101) For a mother, the process of breastfeeding a baby can be an extraordinary spiritual experience. Every mother has her own struggles in breastfeeding her baby. All because of such great affection for his baby. Supported by recommendations in health regarding exclusive breastfeeding for 6 […]

There are many benefits to clamping your mouth, according to the teachings of the prophet as well as the latest research

There are many benefits to clamping your mouth, according to the teachings of the prophet as well as the latest research By: Zulfania Rahmah – 19711112 Food is one of the needs of every living creature, apart from being a source of energy to carry out daily activities, food has a function in maintaining homeostasis in the body, because several substances- important substances in the body cannot be produced by humans and to get them we […]

Placenta Is God's Extraordinary Creation

Placenta Is God's Extraordinary Creation By: dr. Yasmini Fitriyati, Sp.OG Seeing line 2 when there is a delay in menstruation is always the most thrilling time for a woman. One mandate that Allah has placed in him with all the dynamics that will be lived through a period full of struggles. Begin to feel nauseous approaching when HCG levels start to rise [...]

The Importance of Maintaining Early Waking Up Habits

The Importance of Maintaining Early Waking Habits By: dr. Muflihah Rizkawati, M.Biomed (NIK; 197100404) The habit of getting up early is still a particular difficulty for some people. There are people who are used to getting up early, but not a few people find it difficult to get up in the morning for certain reasons. There are those who reason that because they stayed up late last night, they still feel sleepy, dizzy, or [...]


HAND WASHING HABIT AS A MEANS OF UPHORING FAITH By: Mujiyanto (111002227) One of the advantages of Islam compared to other religions in the world, is its nature and character which is Rahmatan Lil Alamin (Arif, 2021). The meaning of mercy for the whole of nature includes all aspects of human life, including the health aspect. In addition, Islam as a perfect religion and […]

Maintaining a Healthy Diet as a Form of Muslim Worship

Maintaining a Healthy Diet as a Form of Muslim Worship By: Muhammad Luthfi Adnan (20712132) Currently, people's diet tends towards consuming unhealthy foods such as fast food which is high in fat. This is due to the fast-paced life of society, so they do not pay attention to the food they consume. As a result, many diseases develop […]