Entries by FK UII

Deputy Dean of FK UII Leads Employee Plenary

Kaliurang (UII News) - Creating an Islamic-based organizational environment is very important in the Faculty of Medicine. Universitas Islam Indonesia Yogyakarta, so that with employee plenary activities like this, aspirations can be obtained to provide input to the leadership. This was conveyed by the Vice Dean of FK UII, dr. Syaefudin Ali Akhmad, M.Sc chairing the April 2015 employee plenary […]

The Power of Sacrifice in Building Islam at UII

Syaefudin Ali Akhmad, M.Sc-Wadek FK UII One of the well-known Javanese proverbs is jer basuki mawa bea which can be interpreted as struggle must require sacrifice (cost). Sacrifice does not only mean money but can also mean property other than money, throne, weapons, women, family and soul. Sacrifices are also made continuously, not for a moment or just for a moment, like […]

Proud of FK UII, which has educated its four children to become doctors

Kaliurang (UII News) - I am proud to be enrolling my children at the Faculty of Medicine, UII, which has taught my children character education, is Islamic and has a commitment to become a doctor. This was conveyed by Mrs. Poniah Budi, S.Pd during the Young Doctor's Appointment at the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia, which was organized by FK UII on […]

TBMM Humerus FK UII Becomes the LKID Medical Team

Kaliurang (UII News) - For almost 3 months, the Humeral Medical Faculty Student Medical Assistance Team (TBMM) will Universitas Islam Indonesia will become Health HR during the implementation of Basic Islamic Leadership Training (LKID) for new students in 2014/2015 academic year Universitas Islam Indonesia. This was conveyed by Afid'12 when coordinating at the Dean Hospital of the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia, on […]

FK UII Holds Predictive Matriculation

Kaliurang (UII News) – Faculty of Medicine for 4 days Universitas Islam Indonesia held matriculation for Predik Exam participants for the March 2015 period. This was conveyed by the Predik Coordinator of FK UII, dr. Kuswati, M.Sc when explaining matriculation activities from March 30-31 to April 1-2 2015 in the auditorium Lt. 1 Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia, Jl. Kaliurang […]

CME FK UII Holds CUPID Seminar

Kaliurang (UII News) – In the context of the 28th Doctor's Oath of the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia held a National Seminar (Seminas) Continuing Medical Education (CME) 2015 with the theme CUPID (Current Update of Pediatric Disesases). This was conveyed by Ridho Ardi, S.Ked as the Chairperson of the Continuing Medical Education FK UII Scientific Seminar Organizer at The Rich Sahid Hotel, Yogyakarta, pk. […]

FE UII Postgraduate OudBound Requests TBMM FK UII as a Medical Team

Kaliurang (UII News) – Postgraduate Program, Faculty of Economics Universitas Islam Indonesia organize oudbound for new TA students. 2014/2015 to support these activities, the existence of a medical team is needed. This was conveyed by the Director of PPs FE UII, Dr. Zaenal Mustafa MQ, MM in the application letter sent on March 6 2015 numbered 263/PS.1.3/III/2015 to TBMM […]

SMART LEM FK UII Holds Training on Scientific Posters and Public Education Videos

Kaliurang (UII) – In order to facilitate students, especially FK UII students, by increasing their knowledge about the procedures for making scientific posters and public educational videos, the SMART Scientific Division of FK UII held an event at the Computer Laboratory of FK UII called PROPOLIS 2015. The information was conveyed by Faisol Ridho Sakti after the implementation of the 2015 Propolis […]

We Work For The Will Of Allah SWT

Kaliurang (UII News) – Can work at the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia because Allah SWT wants us to work here, we pray because Allah SWT wants us to do it, all of which is for ourselves, not for Allah SWT, so that we as servants must put our trust in Allah SWT to follow all His commands and stay away from all His prohibitions. […]