Analysis of Family Planning Behavior of Poor Families in Bangkok Village, Boyolali

Analysis of Family Planning Behavior of Poor Families in Bangkok Village, Boyolali


Abstract: Background: Family Planning (FP) program after reform shows no progress. After the regional autonomy was established, the execution of the FP program was carried out by the regional government. Even not all of the regions put FP as the priority. Another problem that became the hindrance is the lack of staff, jamming of FP equipment, and the poor who can't afford this program. Free contraception has been given to the poor by the community health center but the poor have no money for the transport to the community health center. The aim of this study is to analyze the attitude of poor families towards family planning in Bangkok Village, Boyolali. This research is a descriptive non-experimental research and use case study design in Bangkok Village, Boyolali. This research use qualitative analysis. The data was gathered by non-participative observations, interviews and documentation, also by focus group discussions as a way to gather data from a group according to the results of discussions or interviews that focus on certain problems. Results: The poor's attitude to FP program was good. This was assisted by the JAMKESMAS program, which gave free access to the FP program for the participants. It is the same target as BKKBN which focuses the FP program on the poor. In spite of that, the availability of contraception and services from midwife also influences the community attitude and FP program in Bangkok village. But in the execution of the FP program there are still some hindrances such as incomplete and unclear information about the contraception, no public explanation, the source of information only from midwife, lack of quality and quantity of FP staff, also the mindset of the community on the elders. The conclusion is generally, the attitude of the poor family in Bangkok village to the FP program is good.
Keywords: family planning, attitude, Bangkok village

Author: Rima Futikha, Sunarto, Point Kuntari

Analysis of Family Planning Behavior of Poor Families in Bangkok Village, Boyolali

Abstract: Background: Family Planning (FP) program after reform shows no progress. After the regional autonomy was established, the execution of the FP program was carried out by the regional government. Even not all of the regions put FP as the priority. Another problem that became the hindrance is the lack of staff, jamming of FP equipment, and the poor who can't afford this program. Free contraception has been given to the poor by the community health center but the poor have no money for the transport to the community health center. The aim of this study is to analyze the attitude of poor families towards family planning in Bangkok Village, Boyolali. This research is a descriptive non-experimental research and use case study design in Bangkok Village, Boyolali. This research use qualitative analysis. The data was gathered by non-participative observations, interviews and documentation, also by focus group discussions as a way to gather data from a group according to the results of discussions or interviews that focus on certain problems. Results: The poor's attitude to FP program was good. This was assisted by the JAMKESMAS program, which gave free access to the FP program for the participants. It is the same target as BKKBN which focuses the FP program on the poor. In spite of that, the availability of contraception and services from midwife also influences the community attitude and FP program in Bangkok village. But in the execution of the FP program there are still some hindrances such as incomplete and unclear information about the contraception, no public explanation, the source of information only from midwife, lack of quality and quantity of FP staff, also the mindset of the community on the elders. The conclusion is generally, the attitude of the poor family in Bangkok village to the FP program is good.
Keywords: family planning, attitude, Bangkok village

Author: Rima Futikha, Sunarto, Point Kuntari

Published on : JKKI Volume 1, Number 2, July 2009