FK UII Participates in Doctor Internship Monev

Yogyakarta (UII News) – From the results of monitoring and evaluation carried out by the DIY Health Service, for the Internship program several improvements will be designed starting from increasing the number of standardized vehicles in DIY, so that it is hoped that internship doctors will be more interested in primary care physician problems, and can improve communication problems between doctors and patient.

This was revealed by a lecturer at FK UII, dr. Abd. Basith, while attending the Evaluation Meeting for the Implementation of the Indonesian Physician Internship Program (PIDI 2014) held by the Yogyakarta Special Region Provincial Health Office on Tuesday, 02 Shafar 1436 H coinciding with November 25 2014 which took place in Hall C of the Special Region of Yogyakarta Provincial Health Office Jl. Tompeyan TR III/201 Yogyakarta.

According to doctor Basith, in the event, several findings of Monev and problems that arose in the Internship Program for Indonesian Doctors who used the Wahana around DIY Province were explained, one of which was the lack of participation of intership doctors in assisting the delivery process.

"According to the results of Monitoring and Evaluation (Monev) of KIDI DIY, this problem may be caused by a lack of experience in assisting deliveries and a lack of confidence of intern doctors in assisting deliveries," he said.

 So as to increase the confidence of intern doctors in assisting birth cases and problems arising from pregnancy and childbirth, increasing the number of vehicles used, especially type C and D hospitals and health centers, is an obligation of KIDI DIY, emphasized the 2001 alumni dr. Abd. Basith after attending the Monev event. Wibowo