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[:id]Care for Public Health, Medical Lecturer Joins KONAS IKM in Makassar[:]

[:id] Medicine (UII) – Community service is part of the chess darma of education. Publication of the results of community service that has been carried out has not been widely carried out at FK UII, so this is a suggestion from the 2015 TUV external monev reviewer. For DIKTI grant recipients, dissemination in a seminar and publication of the results
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[:en]Doctor Milda Khoirina, Lecturer of Medicine, Achieved Achievements while Participating in the PEPKI Event in Lampung[:]

[:en]Wibowo / Special photo: doctor Milda Khoirina and doctor Utami Sulistyoningrum when they won the first prize for poster presentation at the PEPKI VIII event at FK UNILA. Medicine (UII News) – The 8th Indonesian Scientific Medical Education Expo and Meeting or PEPKI, is a symposium series; workshops; exhibition; and free papers. Matter
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[:en] Assessment between GAKI Research and Development Center and Universitas Islam Indonesia Yogyakarta[:]

[:en]The Presenters of the Cooperation Network Meeting Realizing that an institution cannot work alone in producing a real work that is beneficial to society, the GAKI Research and Development Center continues to promote various collaborations with other parties including universities. Moreover, higher education is also a productive institution that produces research. Therefore, every
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[:en]Social Service in the Context of HKN Collaboration with Sleman DIY Health Office[:]

[:id] Sleman – FK UII (18/11) – Catur Darma Universitas Islam Indonesia covers 4 aspects which include education and teaching, research, community service, and Islamic da'wah. In relation to the community service aspect, the Faculty of Medicine, UII, has carried it out by providing community service. One of the things FK UII can do
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[:en]SDIT Ash Shiddiq Student Becomes a FK Student One Day[:]

[:en]SDIT Ash Shiddiq student visiting the FK UII library. SLEMAN (Ath-Thib) – Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia (FK UII) received a visit from teachers and students of class IV Integrated Islamic Elementary School (SDIT) Ash Shiddiq Yogyakarta on Thursday, 24 November 2016, who wanted to know and experience first hand how the learning