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[:en]Recitation Period September 2016 by Ustadz Abu Nila[:]

[:id] Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. Looking forward to the presence of Mr/Ms/Mr/i. in the Recitation for Lecturers and Employees of the Faculty of Medicine, UII, which God willing, will be held on: Day: Thursday, September 29, 2016 Hours: 13.00 WIB Place: Auditorium 1st floor FK UII Campus FK UII, Jl. Kaliurang Km. 14,5, Sleman Yogyakarta
Academic Announcement

[:en]Announcement of the Results of the Selection of Muallim for the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia[:]

[:en]Based on the results of the selection test and the testing team meeting on Monday, September 26 2016 at 13.00 WIB, the following is a list of those who PASSED the selection of Muallim FK UII which can be downloaded at the following link: ANNOUNCEMENT OF MUALLIM SELECTION RESULTS[:]
Latest News

[:en]FK UII Comparative Study on Sport Medicine Center in Jakarta[:]

[:id] Kaliurang (FK UII) – Body fitness is important in supporting human life. Likewise for the academic community of FK and UII as a whole. If leaders, lecturers, employees, and students have a healthy body, then the teaching and learning process will run well according to the objectives. These are some of the reasons given