
Proportion of head trauma due to traffic accidents in PKU Hospital

PROPORTION OF HEAD TRAUMA DUE TO TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS IN PKU MUHAMMADIYAH HOSPITAL, YOGYAKARTA PERIOD 1 JANUARY 2007-31 DECEMBER 2007 Background: Head trauma is the main cause of death and disability worldwide where traffic accidents are the main cause of around 40-50%. The majority of head trauma occurs
28 May 2009 Comments are off

relationship between the level of adolescent sexual knowledge and the level of anxiety facing puberty

THE RELATIONSHIP LEVEL OF ADOLESCENT SEXUAL KNOWLEDGE WITH THE LEVEL OF ANXIETY FACING PUBERTY IN STUDENTS OF SMP NEGERI 4 PAKEM Problems that are very complex often place adolescents in difficult situations, this results in children who, during their puberty, do not gain knowledge in the right way or are psychologically unprepared. about
28 May 2009 Comments are off

relationship between knowledge about menstruation and the readiness of young women at puberty

THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN KNOWLEDGE ABOUT MENSTRUATION AND THE READINESS OF PUBERTY-AGE ADOLESCENT WOMEN FOR MENARCHE AT SMPN 4 PAKEM SLEMAN YOGYAKARTA Background: Adolescence is a very important period in a person's development. The changes that occur at this time greatly affect a teenager in going through his teenage years. In young women, ages
28 May 2009 Comments are off

proportion and risk factors for falls in the elderly

PROPORTION AND RISK FACTORS OF “FALLS” IN ELDERLY AT TRESNA WREDHA UNIT ABIYOSO SOCIAL INSTITUTION, PAKEM, SLEMAN, YOGYAKARTA Background: Falling is one of the events that is often experienced by an elderly person. Falls are associated with increased morbidity and mortality as well as decreased function and independence. Falls usually occur as a result of a series
28 May 2009 Comments are off