Primary Service Doctor Workshop (DLP) at FK UII

In order to prepare for the establishment of the Primary Service Doctor (DLP) study program at FK UII and at the same time as part of the 13th MILAD FK UII series of activities, on Friday 19 December 2014 a DLP workshop and FGD was held in the 2nd floor auditorium FK UII by presenting the speaker dr. Mora Claramita, MHPE, PhD and dr. Oryzati Hilman Agrimon, MSc, CMFM, PhD. Apart from that, at the event, a presentation was made by the vice dean of FK UII regarding the readiness of FK UII to open a DLP study program.

The activity was opened by the deputy dean of FK UII representing the dean of FK UII who was on assignment to Jakarta to fulfill DIKTI's invitation to evaluate the PHK PKPD project. so that the target for September 2015 can already be established and obtain permission from DIKTI to accept students.

During the event pros and cons emerged regarding the establishment of a DLP study program at the national level. Among the pros and cons is the legal standing of the establishment of DLP which is still happening polemic due to judicial reviews against the Medical Education Law by the Association of Indonesian General Practitioners (PDUI). Alignment of various regulations, especially the Medical Practice Law, Indonesian Medical Council Regulations as well as regulations from the Ministry of Education and Culture as well as regulations from the national accreditation body or national health accreditation agency (LAM PT KES) which are still not in sync so that several FK colleges accredited A are still confused or half-hearted about established a DLP study program. Another problem is the absence of a collegium of primary care physicians equivalent to specialist education in the IDI professional organization which has hampered the process of establishing DLP study programs. Roughly speaking, the DLP program is a premature and misguided program because it violates the rules for establishing new study programs according to DIKTI. In fact, the issue is that PDUI will thwart the formation of the collegium at the IDI National Conference later so that the government's plan through the Ministry of Health to establish DLP study programs will be countered again. Even though overseas DLP specialist education has progressed rapidly with a length of 3 years of education through a DLP specialist residency program.

The readiness of educator human resources in special DLP study programs in Indonesia is still rare, in fact, there is not even a single DLP educator in Indonesia who meets international qualifications. Existing human resources are only TOT products or master of family medicine those who do not understand the ins and outs of DLP residency programs such as abroad which are more towards professional (vocational) education that independently treat patients. If it is consistent with DIKTI's rules regarding the opening of new study programs equivalent to post-graduate or master's degrees, then at least the teaching staff will have a doctoral or doctoral degree. The establishment of a DLP study program must have at least 2 lecturers as home base lecturers in the study program. However, due to the transition period in a completely new DLP study program, at least there is some leeway or not as strict as other study programs. Pediatric social consulting specialists, social obstetrics and general surgery as well as geriatric consulting internal medicine can be involved in the DLP study program as teaching staff. Another problem is that there is no suitable practice area for primary care physician education with a comprehensive holistic approach. keep on going and integrated see the patient as a person from the aspect of biopsychosocioethicorreligious-cultural. So far, the learning approach at the professional level has been dominated by this approach organ-based approach according to the logic of specialization thinking. The practice vehicle is in the form of a pratama clinic or puskesmas that is consistent with the approach family medicine still very little with low quality.

Recognized or not gap The knowledge between general practitioners and specialists has so far been very broad so that in theory only 5% of disease cases should be referred to specialists or secondary and tertiary services cannot work because the capabilities of general practitioners who have competence are still low so that more general practitioners become general practitioners. referring specialist. Mastery of competence in the management of patients with 155 diseases is still incomplete, such as paying torn to shreds so that their role as a gate keeper is not optimal. The age factor for general practitioners working in Indonesia is relatively young and their study period is relatively shorter when compared to general practitioners (GPs) abroad who study for at least 9 years to become general specialists.

The workshop resulted in a conclusion that ready or not ready, FK UII must be willing to carry out the constitutional mandate to open primary care doctors in order to help the government improve the community's healthy status. With the risk that BPJS's market share for the needs of primary care doctors is taken up by doctors from abroad, it would be wise for IDI, AIPKI, MOH and DIKTI to sit together in responding to the polemic regarding DLP. DLP study program is seen as more prepared than other medical faculties. The road map for the opening of the DLP study program has reached the outreach to employees and lecturers as well as regular meetings every week to pursue other preparations. The important thing is to think of a vehicle for DLP education that is of good quality, conducive to a holistic approach, representative and in line with the vision and mission of FK UII. The opening of a family doctor pratama clinic is mandatory and the establishment of the UII FK teaching hospital has strategic value for opening DLP study programs. As long as you don't let undergraduate medical education (S-1) become neglected because you are pursuing a DLP Masters degree. The recommendation from this FGD was that FK UII must seriously prepare for the opening of DLP study programs because the impact of this DLP program in various countries according to the WHO report entitled Even More Than Ever clearly improves public health status, better health services, more affordable and more equitable. Good luck in establishing the DLP Study Program, may Allah always bless UII. Amen (SAA)