The formulation of the vision, mission and objectives of the medical education study program are as follows:

Vision :  

Realization of Medical Faculty Medical Education Study Program  Universitas Islam Indonesia as rahmatan lil 'alamin, has a commitment to excellence (excellence), treatise Islamiyah in the fields of education, research, community service and da'wah, at the same level as the quality Doctor Education Study Program in developed countries in 2021.
Mission :  
Faculty of Medicine Medical Education Study Program Universitas Islam Indonesia as a study program that produces doctors who benefit the community, are able to apply Islamic values ​​and are highly competitive, have excellence in Islam, science, leadership, expertise, independence and professionalism of the study program

Objectives of PSPD FK UII:

  1. To produce doctors who are able to apply Islamic values ​​in universal life.
  2. Producing doctors who are independent & professional in health services on par with developed countries.
  3. Increasing the role of academics in health research to support efforts to improve the quality of public health
  4. Increasing the quantity and quality of lecturer research at national and international levels
  5. Increasing the role of academics in community service to improve the quality of public health
  6. Increasing the quantity and quality of community service at national and international levels
  7. Increase the quantity and quality of da'wah that refers to the Qur'an and Hadith.

Quality Goals

  1. Graduates work in the first six months of at least 90%.
  2. On time study at least 90%.
  3. Lecturer Performance Score in pedagogic, social and professional aspects with a good score of at least 90%.
  4. Achievement of graduates' competency at UII which includes Islam, nationality, entrepreneurship, English with good grades, at least 90%
  5. Pass Indonesian Doctor Competency Test at least 80%
  6. Number of lecturers with international scientific publications of at least 5%
  7. The minimum number of foreign lecturers is 1%.
  8. At least 1% of new students come from abroad.