Thanksgiving Hospital Dr. Soedono Madiun as FK UII Main Teaching Hospital

Teaching Hospital is a hospital that is used for health services and also for the implementation of medical education, especially at the clinical education stage (koass). The rapid growth of medical educational institutions in Indonesia must be accompanied by an increase in the number of teaching hospitals. As a requirement to be able to carry out a medical education program, each medical education study program should have an accredited teaching hospital. Research in 2003 showed that there were 97 hospitals used for medical education, but until 2009 only 39 hospitals officially had a Decree of the Minister of Health as Teaching Hospitals.

Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia held a thanksgiving event for the receipt of the Decree of the Minister of Health for Dr. Soedono Madiun Hospital as the Main Teaching Hospital for FK UII. The event was held at Sagan Resto, Saturday 22 January 2011, and was attended by Director dr. Restu and all the staff of Dr. Soedono Madiun Hospital, Deputy Chancellor 2 dra. Neni Meidawati Msi, Akt, dean and staff of the UII Faculty of Medicine. The process to become an accredited teaching hospital is a long one, so this success deserves to be grateful for.

Prof. Rusdi and the dean of FK UII Dr. Isnatin Miladiyah revealed in their remarks that medical education in the future clinical stage would be a shared responsibility between FK UII and the Teaching Hospital. With the receipt of the decree, FK UII already has one accredited main teaching hospital. Currently, the UII Faculty of Medicine is preparing several other hospitals to be accredited as teaching hospitals. In the future, it is hoped that FK UII will have several hospitals that meet the requirements to support efforts to produce competent doctors. Currently, FK UII is intensively assisting the accreditation preparation process for the Sragen Regional General Hospital. The facilitation process for the Sragen Hospital involved FK UII and Dr. Soedono Madiun Hospital.