UII Comparative Study to IPB

In order to improve the quality of student development at UII, the Deans at UII and Vice Chancellor II visited the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB), Wednesday, 25 February 2015. The agenda for the visit was to see directly the pattern of student development. IPB's student development pattern is unique, where new students must go through the Student Preparation Level Education Program for 1 year. Students during the preparatory level must live in the hostel.

Some of the problems that arose in the preparatory program included language and cultural barriers and not being used to being independent. Learning in this preparatory program is mainly based on knowledge and soft skills. From this comparative study, it is hoped that UII and faculty-level student management can design activities like this to improve the quality of student development patterns.

Academic and student affairs are combined because they are complementary and academically. IPB's vision is to become a research-based university, international standard & a prime mover for agricultural mainstreaming

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