Healthy My Nation, Healthy Country

Sleman (UII News) – The Sleman Yogyakarta Health Office supports the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia in fostering hawkers in selling snacks so that they meet health standards, and fulfill proper nutrition for consumption by people in the Sleman area.

This was conveyed by the Head of the Sleman Health Service (Kadinkes), dr. Mafilindati Nuraini, M.Kes seeing hawkers assisted by FK UII at the National Health Day event on Friday, 28 Muharram 1436 H coinciding with November 21 2014 in Dengung field, Sleman Regency, DIY, which was attended by the Regent, Related Services in Sleman Regency, and representatives of Elementary Schools in Sleman Regency, DIY.

According to doctor Mafilinda, we clearly support the efforts made by FK UII in fostering a group of hawkers (KUPAS). Of the 700 existing traders, they will be properly fostered so that the snacks sold are not arbitrary and are accepted by the community, especially in the school environment.

"On this National Health Day, we take the theme Healthy My Nation, Healthy My Country, by presenting hawkers who have been fostered by FK UII, so that people can get education so they can choose food or snacks that are healthy and safe, "STOP Snacking Haphazardly". , said the doctor Mafilinda.

Meanwhile, dr. Sunarto, M.Kes Kadep IKM FK UII as the Supervisor of the Sleman Association of Peddlers (KUPAS) will carry out continuous coaching, will check the contents of the food sold with laboratory checks, so that the snacks sold are indeed free of harmful substances and are fit to eat .

"After being tested in the UII laboratory, the food will be labeled as healthy and safe, so that people don't have to worry about consuming it," explained Doctor Narto. Wibowo