[:en]Refreshing Tutor & Team Block[:en]Refreshing Tutor & Team Block [:]

[:en]Yogyakarta, FK UII – Welcoming the start of the odd semester of the 2017/2018 school year Faculty of Medicine UII held a Refreshing Tutor & Block Team event. Even though in the midst of the busyness of the tutor lecturers who devote themselves in Faculty of Medicine UII, this event can be carried out smoothly. The event was held on Monday, 14 Dzulka'idah 1438 H / 07 August 2017 at 08.00-15.00 WIB in the Auditorium Faculty of Medicine UII

The purpose of holding this event is to review the assessment system for student learning activities that has been taking place in Faculty of Medicine UII. As well as increasing the ability of tutors in the future.

Refreshing this tutor begins with remarks from dr. Linda Rosita, M.Kes., Sp.PK., as Dean of FK UII. Then followed by 4 subject matter that will be discussed with the experts, namely the Educational Principal with dr. Umatul Khoiriyah, M.MedEd., Ph.D., Microcurriculum Development by dr. Diani Puspa Wijaya, M.MedEd, also Case Design guided by dr. Fuad Khadafianto, M.MedEd. The Case Design session is divided into 2, namely Part 1 and Practice. Then it was continued with the Blue Print Assessment with dr. Yeny Dyah Cahyaningrum, M.MedEd by presenting several related theories and practices.

Even though this event has been held annually, the updates that have been successfully carried out by the organizing committee each year make this event still interesting for tutors to participate in. Faculty of Medicine UII. For example, at the refreshing tutor event in 2008, only tutorials and the preparation of Blue Print Assessments were conveyed. However, currently there is more delivery of material to tutors than at that time.


Yogyakarta, UII Medical Faculty – To start the odd academic semester on 2017 medical faculty of UII, hosts Refreshing Tutors & Team blocks. Although in the middle of the bustle of the lecturer tutor who spent in the medical faculty of UII CAMPUS, this event can be implemented smoothly. The event was held on Monday, 14 Dzulka'idah 1438 H/07 August 2017 at 08.00 am to 3.00 pm at the Auditorium of UII Medical Faculty.

This event was held to review and evaluate the system of assessment of student learning activities that had taken place at the UII Medical Faculty. As well as increase traffic plus tutors.

Refreshing tutor begins with opening remarks from Dr. Linda Rosita, M.Kes., Sp.PK., as Dean of the FK UII. This event was followed by 4 parts of the material to be discussed by the experts, there were Educational Principals along with Dr. Umatul Khoiriyah, M.MedEd., Ph.d., Microcurriculum Development by Dr. Diani Puspa Wijaya, M.MedEd., also Case Design that is guided by Dr. Fuad Khadafianto, M.MedEd. Then spliced ​​with Blue Print Assessment with Dr. Yeny Dyah Cahyaningrum, m. MedEd with the delivery of several related theories and practices.

Although this event has been held annually, but the updates that have been successfully carried out by the committee organizers in each year make this event still attractive to be followed by the tutors in the Faculty of Medicine of the UII. As for example, in the event of the year at the 2008 tutor for fun and only delivered about tutorials and the preparation of the Blue Print Assessment. But now the delivery of material to the tutor is already more than that time.
