Profile of gynecological disease in female adolescents

YEAR 2007 – 2008
Background: Adolescence is a period of transition from children to adults physically and mentally, so that for women this period brings its own gynecological problems.
Research purposes: This study aims to describe the characteristics of young women who came to Brebes General Hospital for the period June 2007 – June 2008 according to age, marital status, occupation, age at menarche, gynecological complaints and other systematic complaints, work diagnosis, type of infection, pregnancy problems and type of tumor.
Research methods: This type of research is descriptive with retrospective method, the data used in this study is secondary data from medical record data (MR) Brebes General Hospital for the period June 2007 – June 2008. The analytical tool used is to calculate the frequency distribution of the variables studied.
Results: Based on the results of the analysis, the results obtained were the characteristics of female adolescent gynecological patients at Brebes Hospital during 2007-2008, most of whom were 15-20 years old, namely 120 people (96,8%), married status, namely 83 people (67%), housewives, namely 36 people (29%) and with an average age of menarche aged 10-13 years, namely as many as 55 people (44%). Frequency distribution based on working diagnosis for unmarried patients is mostly menstrual disorders, namely 28 people (44%). Meanwhile, patients who were married had problems with pregnancy, namely 46 people (55%).
Conclusion: The characteristics of female adolescent gynecological patients at Brebes General Hospital during 2007-2008 were mostly 15-20 years old, married, housewife and menarche with an average age of 10-13 years. The most common gynecological complaints of unmarried patients are late menstruation and white blood discharge, while married patients are late menstruation. Based on the working diagnosis, unmarried patients were diagnosed with menstrual disorders and infections, while married patients had problems with pregnancy.
Keywords : Teenage Girls, Gynecology, Obstetrics and Gynecology Polyclinic
Advisor I
Dr. H. Saribin Hasibuan, SP.OG
Advisor II
Dr. Sufi Desrini