Perception of Student of the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia on Sexual Activity during Pregnancy

Perception of Student of the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia on Sexual Activity during Pregnancy

Pregnancy is something that every couple really wants. But apart from the excitement over the pregnancy, there will also be anxiety about how to make the pregnancy safe. There are many false myths about pregnancy that are widely circulated in society and considered as truth, one of which is about sexuality.
Research purposes: To describe women's perceptions of sexual activity during pregnancy and to find out whether there are differences in perceptions between women who have never been pregnant, who are pregnant and who have been pregnant regarding sexual activity
during pregnancy.
Research methods: This research was conducted using a qualitative descriptive method that is exploratory in nature. The research subjects were female students of the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia which has marry. Data collection was carried out directly by researchers by means of in-depth interviews using interview guidelines.Research result: Basically sexual intercourse during pregnancy is okay, as long as pregnancy there is no problem, but with consideration of the comfort of the mother and the safety of the fetus, some changes are needed in sexual intercourse itself, where the frequency and position must be taken into account. Here good communication is needed between husband and wife, because after all the purpose of sex is the satisfaction of both parties, so each partner must know what the other partner wants and feels.

Conclusion: There were no significant differences in perception between female students who had never been pregnant, were pregnant and had been pregnant regarding sexual activity during pregnancy. It's just that female students who are pregnant or have ever been pregnant will understand the problems of pregnancy and especially sexuality during pregnancy because they have experienced pregnancy directly.

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Keywords: Perception, Sexual Activity, Pregnancy, women's fertile period.

Principal Advisor
dr. HP Lutfi Ghazali.M.Kes

Companion Advisor
dr. R.Edi Fitriyanto